Actually I was thinking of the activity in the other threads here on the topic as well
I don't know if it was ever released EXACTLY what it was the dive operator didn't do. I know they met the mandated requirements and that is clearly stated by the finding against them. I wonder if the failure was because they allowed Tina and Gabe to opt out of having an employee escort them on their first dive on the site. Who knows what the outcome would have been had they been paired with t DM on that dive!
I notice in looking at links to operators who take groups out to the site that it is considered anything from a intermediate to advanced dive. Most of the operators seem to indicate if a diver hasn't got AOW or Deep certification that they must take the first dive as a training dive towards that qualification. I am not sure if that was the case before the incident in question. Some also indicate that if the person hasn't had a specific number or dives or hasn't dived in a specified time frame they have to dive with a staff member too.
I find it interesting that when we dive in Queensland there are a number of "regulations" that you are told you must follow. These relate to required gear and amount of air in the tank when you complete the dive. These "regulations" when researched relate to Occupational Health and Safety which technically only apply to employees and professional divers not to the patrons. Most DM's have no idea that these regulations are not Laws or where they come from. There is so much diving up there that I think it is just easier for the operators to try to apply the same requirements to the customers as the employees as an added safety factor.

I don't know if it was ever released EXACTLY what it was the dive operator didn't do. I know they met the mandated requirements and that is clearly stated by the finding against them. I wonder if the failure was because they allowed Tina and Gabe to opt out of having an employee escort them on their first dive on the site. Who knows what the outcome would have been had they been paired with t DM on that dive!
I notice in looking at links to operators who take groups out to the site that it is considered anything from a intermediate to advanced dive. Most of the operators seem to indicate if a diver hasn't got AOW or Deep certification that they must take the first dive as a training dive towards that qualification. I am not sure if that was the case before the incident in question. Some also indicate that if the person hasn't had a specific number or dives or hasn't dived in a specified time frame they have to dive with a staff member too.
I find it interesting that when we dive in Queensland there are a number of "regulations" that you are told you must follow. These relate to required gear and amount of air in the tank when you complete the dive. These "regulations" when researched relate to Occupational Health and Safety which technically only apply to employees and professional divers not to the patrons. Most DM's have no idea that these regulations are not Laws or where they come from. There is so much diving up there that I think it is just easier for the operators to try to apply the same requirements to the customers as the employees as an added safety factor.