In regards to the dives that started this thread, I feel I need to be a little more specific about the conditions. That way hopefully you will understand why the "buddy check" was so important.
1. We were diving in New England, in February. We were the only idiots out there that day. (No one other than us to help if there was a problem)
2. Air temp was 42. Water temp 36. (Anyone else had their "ice proof" reg freeze up?)
3. 40mph winds for two days prior to this day. 6-8' waves out in the bay.We were protected in a cove but planeed on submerging and swimming out and back. (Anyone ever have a problem on a dive and need to ascend?)
4. Due to serious surge from the waves, vis was about 3'.
5. This spot is known for having 6 knot currents running parallel with shore and only one good spot to enter/exit.
6. One guy was in a wetsuit. Did I mention that water was 36. Brrrrrrrrrrrr.......
I let everyone know that I was NOT the DM on these dives but I couldn't knowingly let them do things that could harm themselves. As I said, none of these guys had ever been diving with each other before and the LOWEST cert was AOW. I think a pre-dive check was called for and in their defense, they all agreed. Once I told them they had to do it if I was going to dive!

I guess I was upset because when I asked them why they didn't seem to be proactive in regards to the dive, they said " Well, you're a DM, we figured you'd say something if we screwed up." Arghhhhhhhhh