Wanted to do reef diving in PNW...

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I'm a Fish!
my buddy and I wanted to do reef diving somewhere in the pacific northwest (Washington, Oregon, or Canada). Do you guys know one good shore reef diving or maybe by a charter? Any links for me to look up?

If you find a coral reef in the PNW, please let me know about it.

I want to see Uncle Pug kick himself nearly to death for having missed it all these years.

For the charter, however, here is one that you might find interesting. It offers some of the best in the area:


Lotsa reefs in the PNW... some artificial and some natural but none coral of course. For Puget Sound boat diving check out Bandito Charters.

There are quite a few excellent shore dives in Puget Sound. Since you are a fairly new diver I would suggest EUP or Seacrest Park in West Seattle.
There are some good walls and reefs in the Hood Canal area. Sund Rock and Octopus Hole are great places to dive in Hood Canal that I myself have been to often.
Sunrise and Zee's Reef are both natural rock reefs in the South Sound. Both are suitable for the typical diver with 50+ dives. Both contain enough marine life to keep the typical diver grinning. Bandito Charters regularly visits both sites.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Thanks guys for giving me some places to dive in.

Uncle Pug, I have already been to EUP and Seacrest Park - they are awesome but I am looking for new sites now. :) Thanks anyway.

Dark Wolf, I am leaning toward to Hood Canal and I may be diving there not this weekend but the next. Anything I need to know before I go there?

At Sund Rock there is a $15 entry fee per diver to utilize the park and walk in site, porta potty available. Free access via the trail down on the south side but there is a lengthy surface swim. Parking is limited along the roadside if using the free access at the south wall. The free trail is about 150m long that winds through the woods and the surface swim to the site is about another 300m. To enter from the north side you pay the entrance fee at Hood Sport and Dive, where you can literally see the dive site from there driveway.

Octopus Hole can be a little tricky to get down to the water from the road and the parking is limited to the roadside.

If you've never been to Les Davis Pier in Tacoma, great activities to do when your not diving and nearby restaurants. Les Davis also has an artificial reef.

the attacted picture is the North entrance of Sund Rock.

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