The following act as a guide to the specific considerations
and undertakings, in addition to the general requirements,
for any potential attempt on record title record. They should
be read and understood by all concerned organisers,
participants and witnesses prior to the event.
This record is for spending the greatest amount of time submerged using SCUBA gear in a controlled environment.
1. A controlled environment is defined as any man-made body of water, in which the water environment is manipulated to any degree. Swimming pools, diving tanks, ponds, aquaria, etc. whether indoors or out of doors, fall within this definition.
2. At no time during the record attempt may the diver (or any part of the divers body or equipment) break the surface of the water.
3. Only self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) without any kind of physical connection to the surface is allowed. Dry suits are permitted.
4. The diver must be supported by a support crew. There are no restrictions on the size of this crew.
5. When the divers scuba tanks are empty, the support crew may provide full scuba tanks or can refill the tanks being used by the diver at that time.