Wakayama/Shirahama Diving

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Hi - I'm Kansai-based and am itching to get the maximum use out of my newly aqquired AOW Cert. now summer is here.

I've heard that there's good diving to be had out at Wakayama/Shirahama - but have had a fustrating experience trying to get more info. Can anyone reccomend a good dive shop round there? The only proviso is that my Japanese is rudimentary to say the least...,

I'd be grateful for any suggestions/leads anyone could give me.
Geek, how's your Japanese? Here's a list of dive shops with tel #'s around Shirahama/ Wakayama.
Diving School Prime
Miss Ocean
Aqua Marine Shirahama
Noa Susami
Kushimoto Marine Park & Diving Park
Resort Oshima
Sea House Submarine
the power of google... :wink: there's more in Japanese but wasn't sure if GG can read it...
Wow! Thank you so much - I didn't expect such a quick response. I'll definitely ring round the numbers you gave me.

I can't read any Japanese at all, and my spoken Japanese doesn't go much further than ordering a beer and asking for directions. Hence I've had problems finding dive shops etc. There's a group of us interested in going diving, including one our Japanese friends, but the rest of us don't speak much Japanese at all. Ideally we'd like to find a dive shop that's cool with English, tho' I'm beginning to think that this might be a tall order.

Does anyone have any further suggestions? I've had fun diving up in Izu, but it's a bit of a schlepp from Osaka, and the funds won't stretch to Naha at the moment.

hi greekgirl,

i have dove in Kushimoto several times with Seamans Club staff. their home page URL is http://www.aikis.or.jp/~seamans/.

the owner and guide is Mr Shimano, who is also called TOCCHAN. he is a very knowledgeable and nice guy. the problem, as you wrote, is communication in english. although they have their own email address, you have to make a phone call for booking: their phone number is 0735-62-6155. if you have a japanese friend, he/she may be able to call them on your behalf.

ken chung ar
Hi Geekgirl,

Have you found the dive shop?
If not, you can try Club Do www.club-do.com which the shop based on Honmachi and dive at Kushimoto.
I've certified in here, and i heard one of the instructur of them can speak english. I never speak english with the instructur so I don't know how is her level. But I think it should be no problem.
If you have further question, feel free to PM me.

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