Vis Report - Florida Middle Grounds

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SM Diver

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Tampa Bay
Haven't posted with a report in a quite a while, because conditions this Winter have been horrible for diving on Florida's Gulfcoast. Those here know we have experienced a train of cold fronts that have kept visability poor, and marine conditions that do not allow boating.

The last couple of weeks we have caught a break. I have been out twice, first hitting some of our shallow spots a couple of weeks ago in 50-80 fsw, and then yesterday out deeper in the Middle Grounds.

Here's the scoop right now for the Middle Grounds:

Water temp: About 63 degrees. I felt one thermocline on my last dive, but otherwise a pretty steady 63.

Visability: Very poor, expecially by Middle Grounds standards. The water was loaded with "sea snot", which created a very "milky" type effect that filtered out light and worsened the poor vis. On the first dive vis was only 10ft, but would later improve to about 20ft.

Weather: The conditions on the surface can be described only as PERFECT. Wind maybe 5 kts, seas never more than 2, and mostly 1 all day. Ride there and back was like scooting along Lake Tarpon. Air temp, accoring to my trusty Suunto, was 72.

Most of these dives were in the northern part of the grounds, on ledges averaging 100 fsw at the top, and 125 at the bottom.

We were spearfishing, and a huge Carbo (true black grouper) was harvested by one of the shooters. Here a photo:

I have to say it feels good to be getting out again. Surface tension was getting a little high.
Gosh,Scott that looks like fun .Where can I read about more diving like this?;)
Far be it from me to self-promote! This is where I post my "kindler, gentler" reports.
Roland_C once bubbled...
Scott you are to modest,

Click on this to go to the best Spearfishing Board.


No heavy censorship here. THIS SITE IS NOT FOR sissies.
Nor is it for children.
Rick, point is well taken, but it's not exactly an adult site, either. Profanity is not sensored, so I'd be the first person to tell someone not to let their kids on it. There is also some bikini action going on, so do not visit if that offends.

Having said all that, I just want to make a point since I am honestly trying to only add value to this board without mentioning spearboard. There are a lot of guys on this board who have helped me with technical diving issues, and I think in some ways I am probably a better diver because of this board.

Given that I dive as frequently as I do, one of the ways I can try to return the favor and contribute to this board is to post vis reports, hopefully to assist other Florida Gulfcoast divers with whether or not they should dive. I'm not over here trying to push spearboard, beat my chest, or pursue any other agenda. For that reason, I don't mention it, or put it in my sig, etc. In fact, I wouldn't have even mentioned the fish in my last report, but for the fact that it was a significant event for one of the shooters to shoot and surface with a grouper that size, and it made an interesting photo.

Anyway, I hope that clarifies. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go do a few drops in the Gulf right now, so I'll be back in nine hours or so with another vis/temp report.
Excellant Point Scott, Both Boards Have very important purpose,

Scuba Board, Helped me decide on scuba Equipment.

Spearboard, On Hunting Equipment.

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