Video of Akumal Mexico Dive

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No. Utah
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200 - 499
We just returned from an eye opening trip to Akumal. Akumal and that area get's a bad rap and the reef is in bad shape, but this was the best dive of our trip including the Cozumel and Dos Ojos dives. We we're lucky enough to meet a great guy from Tulum who video taped the dive and sent us all the video in pieces. I put them together and added some music.

YouTube - Half Moon Bay Drift Dive March 15 2009
Thanks for sharing the video.

Give me a taste of what to expect in a couple months when we go there.

You might want to work on your scuba skills a bit, no offenses, but just from viewing the video I noticed the many problems you guys were having at the start, lots of loose dangling octopus's to drag through the coral and sea fans and alot of flailing arms show noobie diver alert. good form comes in time, keep on diving and you'll get better. Practice makes for a better more comphortable diver! But once again thanks for sharing the video! fun stuff.
"comphortable" No problem I'll clean up my octo and console and you can try hooked on phonics .)

JK- enjoy the trip I wish I was back there now!!
Hey Browntrout - forget your keys to the motorcycle? :)

I wanted to ask what the tunes were you put to the video - pretty cool.

Looks like you had a good time - we all have a "special dive trip" that really took us a little (pardon the pun) deeper with SCUBA (ok, *don't* pardon the pun :rofl3:) For me, it's Salt Cay in Turks and Caicos...where I did my open waters as a matter of fact.

Sounds like this is a trip like that for you. Keep diving...take only pictures, leave only bubbles, kill only time.


It's a soundtrack done by Hans Zimmer for the documentary "Millenium" . It was a great experience for our first trip. Can't wait to get back in the water!!
Neat! Next time you want to send a video by email, try - send 100 mb free.


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