Video editing, does anything like this exist?

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San Francisco, CA
I shoot a few videos and some pictures this weekend down in Monterey, now since I currently don't own/use lights, they both came out a bit green on green with green bits (not TOO bad, but definately a bit green).

Now for the photos I quickly pulled them into Paintshop pro, ran quick fix, and voila, no more green on green with green bits, quick fix seems to work surprisingly well quite a lot of the time, and I have some nice shots.

Is there any tool to do similar to video? I was thinking I COULD pull out each frame as a picture, quick fix it, and then export them back together as a video, but I'm not sure that's going to be the best solution, would be much nicer to have a tool that did similar to video instead.
Quite probably, not sure it's red actually if I recall the green water of california needs a different colour,

And I had PLANNED to white balance, but with all the other extra gear I forgot to bring my slate with me to white balance against... ces't la vie

It happens, but since it happened I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to clean up the video some without having to say bother it to the whole lot.

As I said, in Paintshop Pro, the stills clean up really well (still trying to determine how to rip single images out of my .MP4 files my camera produces... once I've done that I can at least see if I could theoretically rip every frame out, fix them, and then stich them back together).
I would guess most of the better NLE's provide color correction. In Final Cut I just drop the color correction filter onto the clip and push a few buttons and turn a knob or two.

At 30 frames per second, even with an automated script, you'd probably go insane trying to adjust each frame with your still editor.
Most video editing software can do color correction. At least the stuff that I have used can (Canopus, Premiere, Vegas)
So does Pinnacle Studio, it has an auto-color correct filter. They describe it as "similar to the white balance setting on a camcorder" Even though it's an "auto" filter, there's a manual slider to modify it.
Okay so followup question, for the amateur videographer, not wanting to spend a vast fortune on software, what would be good (reasonably cheap) software that does this (and NOT Pinnacle, I've had to reformat my computer too many times because of Pinnacle doing horrid things).
The Microsoft Windows Movie Maker... It comes free on Windows XP... It can also color correct your entire video.
Sorry, I don't know. But you are starting to get into the realm of professional work. Consider that your photo editor is attempting to color correct one frame. You are now asking software to correct 30 frames per second times 60 seconds per minute,times however minutes you are looking to fix. It is several orders of magnitude different.
The Microsoft Windows Movie Maker... It comes free on Windows XP... It can also color correct your entire video.

It can?, interesting, can you post how, or which option I'm looking for? I did try it, but couldn't find any options to change the colour (other than colourize which seemed to just cycle colours, not actually correct)

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