I have to agree. I have not been on scubaboard for quite a while now....on today's visit, I was really hoping for something..more...
How about we start slamming the proliferation of the new PADI concept ( ala Bruce Lee).."the art of instructing without instructing"

Think about it..why train someone to dive well in 6 weeks, when you could have them need more instruction for their entire life!!!
My specific rant: Recently, I was out with my wife Sandra on one of her macro photography shoots ( hunting Great White Nudibranchs or something) at the Blue Heron Bridge....This is a dive site you drive your car to, and dive at high tide. It has become nearly as famous as the Lembea straits in Indonesia for macro photography and muck diving. Personally, I would be happier watching my fingernails grow, but to many divers, this is hot s$%t ...The problem beyond the low adrenalin numbers for this site, is the enormous volume of divers here that are absolutely without a clue about how to swim horizontally, how to achieve proper bouyancy, and how NOT to stir up the bottom. On this last day, there may have been hundreds swimming in the CLASSIC head up, feet down posture....close to a 30% angle, they would typically have their fins near the sand bottom, or hitting the bottom. The viz starts out at about 60 foot clear, and as it should ,if anything be getting better ( as more clear high tide gulf stream water is flowing in), instead, the "no diving" bastages pull the viz down to more like 15 foot viz. An hour after high tide, as the "dirty" tannen laden water from intracoastal starts flowing back out, viz should be getting much worse....but the reality, is that the no diving bastages have mostly run low on air ( depth here averages 10 feet to 13 feet by the way--meaning this should be a 2 hour dive, minimally) after the one hour of slack high tide , and now that they have left the water, the vis really comes up quite a bit on their departure.
Let's start blaming people for this!
I'll blame instructors for not teaching buoyancy and trim. I'll blame instructors for not recognizing or knowing buoyancy and trim. I'll blame instructors for not mandating perfect weighting for EACH STUDENT. I'll blame dive stores for selling those huge monstrous BC's to the students that cause the bastages to move through the water like inflated puffer fish. I'll blame the bastages themselves, for not recognizing the mediocrity or negligence in their instructors, and in not seeing the obvious failure to move around properly in all their fellow students, and then not doing or saying anything about it....