I read all this thread, I made an idea myself, for sure that diving has to be avoid. What made me sure of this, beside the bad adventure of TutiFruti, is the e-mail back
"Thank you very much by your warning, but by my personal security I cannot speak on that. This person has bonds with the Mafia and the poster of drugs"
after that I have no doubts TutiFruti's story is true, the person close to Mafia/poster of drugs CAN NOT be Tuti Fruti or her BF, for the simple reason..
if what he [or who for him] wrote the email did want refering to TutiFruti or her BF like a person..... TT would have already all money back at first request, but she wouldn't.
I mean.... if you knew I'm a "person has bonds with the Mafia and the poster of drugs" you would not make any troubbles, would you?
on other hand he [or who for him] wrote that is trying to close this story in a very ... [could I say] childish way [?] and
IMHO tutifruti would never see her money back, the only wishes to be done are for the Padi Instructor
gastar setenta veces siete en curaciones hiperbáricas
I'm sorry to be so crude.. but in front of matters like this...
@tutifruti I suggest to do not give anymore on net your real identy, you'll never know who could read it. in few minutes anyone could know many things of you, also where you are and where you'll be. BTW, very nice pics, I really liked them
@mody pls cancel tutifruti's post where she is giving her url address