Post in thread 'Bottoms of feet cold (drysuit, 39F / 3.9C water)'Hi,
I I'm looking for a new undergarment to wear under my trilam. I dive in Canada where water is always icy cold under the thermocline. I currently use the aqualung fusion udergarment, but I find it not warm enough.
I'd like to do longer technical dives, but cold is always the limiting factor.
Two undergarments caught my attention. The waterproof Nord X300 and the Fourth Element AR. What do you think about those? Do you have any other suggestion?
Thank you.
Bottoms of feet cold (drysuit, 39F / 3.9C water)
Post 3 has a pdf that had my thoughts at the time. A few other suits have come onto market, some people have had better experience w Santi than others, etc, but gets to the crux of the issues.