Venice Shore Dive - Saturday 04/17/04

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Scuba Duba Do

Reaction score
North Port, Florida
# of dives
200 - 499
Anybody going?

Anybody want to go?

The weather is suppose to be nice and after the last couple of bad diving weekends we've had here, I'd like to go.

My wife is working tonight, I might not be able to convince her to go with me. So if anyone needs a buddy :eyebrow: let me know.
Super - looks like I'm not the only one who wanted to go this weekend - I skimmed through the link and didn't notice the actual location, Alhambra, Sharky's, the Public beach?
MY intrepid dive buddy Madeline and I along with a few members of our scuba club (finally) will be there Sat. We will start off diving a few hundred feet north of the pier, very big teeth were found there by the owner of the LDS I owe my first born, and then we will move to Alhambra in the afternoon. A relaxing day at the beach so to speak.
If you spot divers entering the water with "walkers" that be us.
My wife called me at 7am and said she had one more meeting to go to and that she'd go diving with me if I waited for her. Oh course I said yes. :eyebrow:

It was good to get "really" wet again after a 2 week break due to bad weather. And don't think we didn't try other days, but zero vis and 4 foot waves didn't make for very long bottom times.

Today was a different story, a little light wind from the north west, beautiful sunny day, calm waters, and about 2 feet of vis. However finding the teeth proved to be harder than I would have thought for such a nice day.

The visibility wasn't the limiting factor to finding the teeth this time, but the silt on the bottom was. Even the few teeth that you could see would get silted over the minute you tried to pick up more than one at a time in the same spot. Fanning only made things worse. But we still had fun and managed to bring home about 30 teeth.
For those who weren't around - none of ya'll cept SmokeAir and Madeline and my family - I managed to find a whopping 30ish teeth myself, some nice fossil bone examples and another meggy that was sitting up all poised for the taking! :)
15 for me, and nothing special.

It was nice catching up with everyone this weekend, and nice to meet you, Scuba duba do.

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