Vegemite...Love it, hate it aint tryed it !

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My only experience with the stuff was from an AUstrallian army MRE(Meal Ready to Eat) It was pretty bad, but if I was starvin, I could handle it without pukin. THen again, it was from an MRE, and I'd love to see someone get an impression of american food from one of our MREs(Pasta in alfredo sauce... shudder.) I was still happy with the trade tho... after all, how often does a Yank get to sample diff countries MREs?

My brother moved to connecicuit 5 yrs ago and a good friend lives in England. Always interesting to hear what people think of our Black paste breakfast favourite "Vegemite" from Down Under. Whos tryed it who likes / hates it??

I always have it on toast b4 I go for a dive...

Gawd - you folks who can't eat Vegemite are WEAK. Bunch of WOOSIES!!!! :yippie17:

It's good stuff but, yes, it is an acquired taste.
I did acquire a small jar of it in Australia. It does look like the result of leaving things too long in the vegetable bin in the refrigerator. We took it on a dive outing on Catalina for others to try, and it met with a lot of resistance. I didn't think it was that bad, but then I do have a pretty open mind when it comes to food. Let's just say I don't think the peanut butter makers should be worried about competition anytime soon.

P.S. I thought brewer's yeast repelled fleas, or at least I knew someone who tried this on her dog. Poor dog finally refused the capsules, though.
When I was in Germany for high school, I was friends with an Australian that had some....I tried it, just to say that I have tried it. Doubt I'll be trying it again :)
there was an expat australian guy on my kibbutz when i was younger that LOVED vegemite, would get his family to send CRATES of it to israel so e could have it. there was always a big thing of vegemite in the dining room, and since i really liked this guy when i was young, i pretty much grew up eating vegimite and peanut butter sandwiches. i dunno.... i dont think i would like it anymore though..... its hard maintaning a love for vegemite! :-D lol
I have lived in Australia for almost 18 years and I can't stand the stuff. I can't even be in the same kitchen when DH makes it for himself & the dogs - yeeech! That smell :11:
My brother moved to connecicuit 5 yrs ago and a good friend lives in England. Always interesting to hear what people think of our Black paste breakfast favourite "Vegemite" from Down Under. Whos tryed it who likes / hates it??

I always have it on toast b4 I go for a dive...

Kid and I can't stand it ot it's relative Marmite. SigOther LOVES both, can't get enough of it.
Marmite? What's that one??
My brother moved to connecicuit 5 yrs ago and a good friend lives in England. Always interesting to hear what people think of our Black paste breakfast favourite "Vegemite" from Down Under. Whos tryed it who likes / hates it??

I always have it on toast b4 I go for a dive...

Yuch, tried some when I was in Brisbane. Salty mud isn't to my taste. But, like was stated, if you grew up on it.

Reminds me of a funny story. Our friends are missionaries in Zambia. The Zambians have some pretty vile (to western appetites) things on the menu. Certain worms for example. Our friends got a care package from home filled with their favorite food, butterscotch pudding. They mixed up a large bowl, hoping to share it with their Zambian friends. When they came in the door and saw what they were eating the Zambians were horrified. They ran outside and started vomiting and wretching. When they were finally calmed down the problem was made clear to everybody. They had only seen one thing in their lives that looked like that pudding and it came out of their babies bottoms. :11:

Anyway, it's all what you are used to. ;)
Marmite? Sounds like an alpine species of rodent (or lagamorph- it's been a while since I took general zoology). OMG, Vegemite is rodents!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Ok, I'm done now. As for it being high in B vitamins and a good hangover cure, I think I will just stick with my liters of Gatorade and a multivitamin. Those are less likely to make me nauseous.

Speaking of things that you have to be seriously f--ked in the head to like to eat, check out this website:

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