Vegemite...Love it, hate it aint tryed it !

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Vegimite... made out of brewers yeast

Australian Marmite sweeter and not as strong as te english version. I will eat it if desperate, but wouldnt buy it.

English marmite, a little runnier than the others and about twice as strong as the other two. Powerful stuff.

Most people put FAR TOO MUCH ON. Come on guys, this is not chocolate sauce, think of it as caviar without lumps.

Talking of which, the only thing better on brekkie toast is Swedish Kaviar, it comes in a tube like toothpaste and is the fishy pink honorary version of vegemite. The reason it is better, is that you can also put it on eggs, and you cant put vegimite on eggs.
Vegemite: great stuff eaten thinly spread, over a little melting butter is best. And you can safely ignore the use by date.

Marmite a poor and sad imitation but will do in the absence of vegemite.
Always interesting to hear what people think of our Black paste breakfast favourite "Vegemite" from Down Under. Whos tryed it who likes / hates it??...

It's not so bad -- once you get past the gag reflex.
Vegemite..... Yum... when I first tried it, I spread it on like JAM... big mistake

It's NOT jam (lol).... It is definitely an acquired taste...

I love it now but it's hard to find here in Canada.
Great feedback from around the globe.. Good old Vegemite, some Love it some hate it some aint game to try it....

thanks for the responses, was heaps of fun reading them all.

ps: the bush grub thing, its called a "Witcherty grub" The aboriginal folk of Austrlaia first introduced it as a delicicy, I've tryed them, ----ONCE...!!! say no more..
I tasted it, prepared by an Australian collegue (thin, with butter below). I am... indifferent. Not awful, but i do not find any interest in it.
Vegemite is great on toast, crumpets and muffins. As someone else said it is also great on toasted cheese. Have to disagree with whoever said you can't put vegemite on is wonderful on eggs! (especially fried or poached eggs that are still a bit runny, and ooze all over your vegemite covered toast). Beginners are best to try a thin scraping at first, but regular users often like it spread thick.

Yes it probably is a tast best aquired form childhood. A while ago they tried (withouit success) to market Dr Pepper here in amount of advertising dollars was ever going to convince us to drink that stuff!!! But maybe if you had been brought up with it you may like it (hard to imagine though...yuuuuukkkk!)
Okay, I got it now.

The Australians eat Vegemite so that we Americans don't get them confused with the British.

"If you can't tell were they are from by thier accents, look for the jar of thier vegemite. No vegemite---They must be British!" :eyebrow:
A while ago they tried (withouit success) to market Dr Pepper here in amount of advertising dollars was ever going to convince us to drink that stuff!!!!)

yeah, that stuff is gruesome... ewwww. and cherry coke is a close second on the puke-o-meter
When I was there, my Aussie mates told me that they feed VEGEMITE to the tourists ....

SSShhhhhh .... its a secret.... (just kidding)

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