On the way over to Laguna I remembered I was suppose to bring a snorkel with me. I forgot because I dont dive with one but in Laguna its the law. I called up Jennifer to see where she was at and to make sure she was still coming. We talked for a bit trying to figure out where this dive spot was. We hung up and before you know it I get a call from her asking if I am right in front of her. I look in my rear view and sure enough it's her.

gle: Too funny.
Anyways I follow her for a bit and then she follows me to Shaws cove where we met couple of divers, Otter and his buddy. I take her down a one-way street going the wrong way and she hangs up the phone on me and wont follow me again. :54:
We end up making it to Crescent and the other divers are waiting for us already semi geared up. I start gearing up as I swear to Jen and Hollie that my wet suit shrunk.
I have Chris come over and check out my BP/W setup to make sure its ok. I did have them fit me in the store but I wanted to make sure the tank was the right height and also the straps were in the correct places. He gave me the ok. So off to the water we went. One thing I need to remember is bring some clips for my dangalies. One of the other divers, Mick, lent me a snorkel. :luxhello:
The beach entry was a bit nerve wracking. I am not use to beach diving so I stayed very close to the experts, Chris and Pasley. Chris guided me in and needless to say he instructed me in the water with out getting tumbled. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
This is Paselys dive report:
Date: Feb 14, 2004 Time 8:54 a.m.
Location: Crescent/Bay Seal Rock, Laguna Beach CA
High Tide: 3:14 a.m. 5.2 Ft Low Tide: 11:19 0.2 Ft.
Vis: 10-20 Feet depending (and hazy at that)
Surf: 1.5-2.5 Ft on entry 3+ Ft on exit
Small group of about 8 met and went diving, including Chris M. We swam out to the end of the rocks on the north side of the cove and dove down in 32FSW. Then swam over the reef in 15-30 FSW to seal rock. Approximately 30 or more Sea Lions came out to play and got quite close and personal (4 inches from face was closest pass). They stayed with us for quite some time as we sat there and watched them for about 10-12 minutes based upon the lack of movement my dive computer recorded. When we left, they followed for a time and continued their antics. Conditions are deteriorating today and our lake Laguna appears to be over for now.
The exit was a little scary becuase the waves statred to get bigger. But once again I followed Chris out of the water and he called out directions from behind. As soo as I was able to touch the bottom my sprint to the beach began. I was so happy I didnt have to crawl out.
This was my first dive with a BP/W set up. As far as the bp/w goes I loved it. I really could tell a difference in my diving. On the surface the bp/w is not as comfortable as I would like but to me more importantly is how it feels under the water. I really felt a difference.
I think the main difference is I feel the bp/w is a part of me underwater. I sometimes even forgot it was on. I didnt have lots of padding or pockets or anything in front of me. I could reach my tank valve and felt I had a wider range of motion in general. With traditional bcs I usually have to adjust them frequently underwater. With the bp/w I was set for the whole dive. I wasnt worried about it sliding around on me or loosening as the dive was taking place. It truly was a great experience.
After the dive there was a LONG walk back to the car with all the heavy gear. :walksmil: And that was a drag but luckily Holiie and Jennifer were there to grab my weight pockets. It was perfect they got one apiece. After getting out of the gear and cleaning up a bit we went off to lunch. We all sat around atable trading stories and going over the dive.
I had a great day of diving and met great people. It truly was a great experience. :sappy:
On Sunday I went to Catalina and dove with Arnaud and Ken. They gave me lots of great advice on trim and on the second dive of the day I was able to grasp some of those ideas and felt a difference yet again in my diving. As Ken says I wasn't an "Egg beater"