Thanks to everyone that answered Divad's questions while I was busy building lights today. 
I won't speak for DR or any other manufacturer. There is a reason that we have the charger plugged into the wall before connecting it to the battery. We use a smart charger that goes through a self check before it applies power to the batteries to charge them. If the battery is plugged in first it is possible to get a signal back to the charger which would indicate a problem, resulting in the battery not being charged. Our connectors for the both the exterior and interior charging is designed so that the battery can't be connected in reverse. By allowing the charger to go through its full self check the battery will be properly charged. Our online manuals cover this procedure.
We have full protection on all of our battery packs so, if it were possible, reversing polarity would not damage them. Having smart protection in both the battery packs (which are UN/DOT 38.3 certified) and the smart charger simply adds a layer of protection when charging the batteries.

I won't speak for DR or any other manufacturer. There is a reason that we have the charger plugged into the wall before connecting it to the battery. We use a smart charger that goes through a self check before it applies power to the batteries to charge them. If the battery is plugged in first it is possible to get a signal back to the charger which would indicate a problem, resulting in the battery not being charged. Our connectors for the both the exterior and interior charging is designed so that the battery can't be connected in reverse. By allowing the charger to go through its full self check the battery will be properly charged. Our online manuals cover this procedure.
We have full protection on all of our battery packs so, if it were possible, reversing polarity would not damage them. Having smart protection in both the battery packs (which are UN/DOT 38.3 certified) and the smart charger simply adds a layer of protection when charging the batteries.