Oooooooh. Now, THAT I want. Thanks for the link.
Not so fast. This is simply a rebranded Evolva light ( I had bought two last year, ignoring a number of poor reviews about failing quickly. The first one lasted 2 dives then went nutso - refusing to turn off, cycling through modes automatically, etc. while on a 20' night dive. Next day it seemed to work ok on first dive then flooded and quit completely. Other one lasted til the 5th day, acted erratically, flooded, and died.
I think the switches were defective. Reason being is they survived the deeper dives where they were not used much but flooded on the shallow dives where the modes were changed a lot. Also, lookat the reviews on my link, first one shows the switch assembly rusted corroded.
I was really disappointed because on paper these are great lights at an economy price.