Hi Karl,
You seem to be a reasoanble guy and a serious instructor, I will definately look into this, one of the important reasons for me, to join UTD was excactly that ; being s member of an agency that only hosts good or great and well trained instructors, therefore any student cam be 100% sure he receives proper instruction, and the other one was the set of new tools to teach and in retrospective I am the happiest with that now), to my knowledge there were only 2 agencies.
(That doesnt mean there are no other great Instructors).
I did 2 and a half IDC's, I became number 62, 2 years ago, and they are still not at Instructor 100, and obviously they need Instructors.
I have seen faces on my IDC's I have never seen afterwards..
(Another thing is that UTD has OW Instructors, a course not offered by the other agency.
A couple of years ago there was thing about the GUE Instructor that became one in 2 years from openwater to instructor...in a way the same thing, the guy turned out to be a good instructor ;-)
You seem to be a reasoanble guy and a serious instructor, I will definately look into this, one of the important reasons for me, to join UTD was excactly that ; being s member of an agency that only hosts good or great and well trained instructors, therefore any student cam be 100% sure he receives proper instruction, and the other one was the set of new tools to teach and in retrospective I am the happiest with that now), to my knowledge there were only 2 agencies.
(That doesnt mean there are no other great Instructors).
I did 2 and a half IDC's, I became number 62, 2 years ago, and they are still not at Instructor 100, and obviously they need Instructors.
I have seen faces on my IDC's I have never seen afterwards..
(Another thing is that UTD has OW Instructors, a course not offered by the other agency.
A couple of years ago there was thing about the GUE Instructor that became one in 2 years from openwater to instructor...in a way the same thing, the guy turned out to be a good instructor ;-)
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