Sigh. I disagree with this assertion. It sounds good, but I've heard too many horror stories that suggest that not all UTD nor GUE instructors are created equal. One of the reasons I love NASE is that I'm allowed to EXCEED minimum standards with impunity. Agencies, including the oft maligned PADI, hold their instructors to minimum standards. Considering the number of instructors out there, it's not surprising that PADI has more bad instructors. I'm sure they also have more great instructors too. When's the last time you heard about a horrifying accident being caused by a Mitsubishi? Did you even know they were a brand? Being the least popular has a few advantages if you play it right. As was pointed out, it's nigh to impossible to become a GUE instructor, so they have a far, far tighter control and it's going to be harder and far, far more expensive to learn to dive through them.