user titles changing?

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
# of dives
500 - 999
I'm used to seeing titles like New Member and Regular Member, etc, but I'm starting to notice some new ones, like Rare Poster and Regular Poster. I noticed that I'm now a Regular Poster instead of a Regular Member, but some people are still listed as Regular Members. What's the deal? Are the titles just getting changed for some reason or are new ones getting added to the old? New Member seems to be getting replaced by Rare Poster, but those don't seem interchangeable to me.

Maybe I just have too much time on my hands :wink:
Here's the FAQ on user titles. (see below.) but I've seen several times the "rare poster", so I figured they changed something also.

doesn't look like this part of the FAQ is up to date anyway, as they've changed Scubaboard Guru to something else in past months

ScubaBoard - Frequently Asked Questions

How many posts do I need for ___ user title?
User titles reflect a user's participation on the forum and are visible on both post and profile pages. The requirements for user titles are the following:

0 - 24 : New Member
25 - 49: Junior Member
50 - 499: Regular Member
500 - 999: Senior Member
1,000 - 4999: ScubaBoard Veteran
5,000+: ScubaBoard Guru

User titles may also be given to members of (private) user groups.

EDIT: here's the new rankings as or 2009. looks like they need to update the FAQ also.


Guru No More
It's come to our attention that some newer members may associate the quantity of posts with the quality, and or knowledge of the poster. To better reflect that post count = participation and no more; we have revised the user titles assigned when a post count milestone is reached. They are as follows:

(Title) (min posts)
New Member 0
Junior Member 25
Regular Member 50
Senior Member 500
ScubaBoard Enthusiast 1000
ScubaBoard Veteran 5000
Thanks for the heads up. We will be tweaking this some more. We've had some complaints about "junior", when the real issue was the frequency of posts. I'll try to catch up on the FAQ today or tomorrow. Thanks.
Here you go... a bit more simplified as well:

User titles reflect a user's participation on the forum and are visible on both post and profile pages. The requirements for user titles are the following:

0 - 49 : Poster
50 - 499: Frequent Poster
500 - 999: ScubaBoard Contributor
1,000 - 4999: ScubaBoard Enthusiast
5,000+: ScubaBoard Veteran

User titles may also be given to members of (private) user groups.

I hope this helps, and thanks for pointing out the FAQ.
Here you go... a bit more simplified as well:

User titles reflect a user's participation on the forum and are visible on both post and profile pages. The requirements for user titles are the following:

0 - 49 : Poster
50 - 499: Frequent Poster
500 - 999: ScubaBoard Contributor
1,000 - 4999: ScubaBoard Enthusiast
5,000+: ScubaBoard Veteran

User titles may also be given to members of (private) user groups.

I hope this helps, and thanks for pointing out the FAQ.
Shouldn't Frequent Poster be based on posts & time? For example a person who made a 50 posts 3 years ago isn't really a "frequent" poster.

no matter how we do it, someone complains. Do you have a better term to use?
I don;t like that idea at all Mike, I have lotsa posts from a year or more ago and not so many now, how will my ego feel if you tell me I am not a veteran anymore:sadface:
on the other hand folks who spend to much time here could get user tags like 'lifeless' 'jobless' 'hopeless'

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