Used Gear

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Uncle Pug

Swims with Orca
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Pacific N.W. USA
After reading all the posts on this board about the horrors awaiting those foolish enough to buy used dive gear....

I suddenly came to a dread relization....

ALL of the gear I am using is USED!!!

I had two brand new LP 104s fall from grace just today and now I am beside myself with paranoia....

Do I dare use used gear? Will I die?

Yes, horror of horrors....

All my gear is USED GEAR -

Even the life supporting regulators :eek:
As if diving wasn't expensive enough!

I guess ensuring your always diving on new gear gives you something to do during your SIT :)

-Jeff (Damn, my new reg is now used gear!)
UP,how about a list of our used (by a previous owner)gear? I have 4lp 95s with manifolds &H-valves ,an old 72cft with a 1960 1st hydro,1 Zeagle wing,an AUL HID light and the compressor,Haskell&booster pump are surplus failed dive shop my buddy bought 8 yrs ago.I'm ashamed to admit as well that my Dive vehicles(boat and truck)were purchased used.There are folks I wouldn't buy from ,but mostly mechanical things such as dive gear are easy to examine to determine thier condition and suitability.
Originally posted by 100days-a-year
UP,how about a list of our used (by a previous owner)gear?
None of the stuff I regularly use was used when I bought it...
That is the horror of it all...
As soon as I used it for the first time it became the
"Used Life Support Equipment of Untimely Death."

Who can escape this vicious cycle? Perhaps there is a dive shop that can rescue us from our agony by selling us new stuff for each dive and then destroying our old stuff from the last dive in the back of the shop with a sledge hammer so that it cannot end up on the black market (ebay.)

Well acutally, the RIX had 18 hrs. on it so I guess that technically it was almost broke in. I bought it from the original selling compressor dealer so I'm sure that I am safe with that one.
Yeah, your gonna die! But not because you are using "used" gear. I've seen great deals from people that only got into diving for a short time then gave it up. Their gear is nearly new and for sale cheap.

I have a pal who wants to get into scuba more and get certified, I tiold him to get used gear, her asked me would I use used gear, I told him "all my gear is used gear!"
But I too, bought it new.
I'm working on my lectures for my NAUI ITC and am accepting used gear donations for illustration purposes (visual aids) in the classroom. Just PM me and I'd be happy to tell you where you can mail your used gear! :wink: You wouldn't want to deprive my future students of the wonders of hands-on experience with different types of gear and configurations would you? (hee, hee!)
Ber :bunny:
I have an entire BSA Venture Crew that I need equipment for... and you get to deduct the gift from your taxes too! A win/win situation for all involved. Just pm me for the appropriate address, and I will make sure you are provided a legal receipt for your taxes. Yes, this is a legitimate way to help out the Scouts and your taxes at the same time. We should have 13 newly certified Venture Scouts in about three weeks. I will post pictures when we get them!!!
Among the gear I have bought over the years are a US Divers Conshelf (regulator) that was used when I bought it in 1972 along with a used steel 72 tank (complete with backpack & harness). I paid $70 for the set. I still use both the reg and the tank regularly - the backpack has had the harness replaced once, and I only use it occasionaly (as a curiosity from the past) now, but it's still in good shape.
- this thought was going thru my head today when I read "bnglsmgtscks" say "he'd never dive with anyone who bought used gear" - in a diffrent thread - how is that any different from my gear I bought brand new, had it serviced and have a pile of dives on them?............

Some people have lots of money.........


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