Thanks for the replies guys...
Thanks also for the craigslist links... though unfortunately those two suits are a bit on the antique side (as in too risky). I haven't yet checked my local craigslist, usually scuba gear on their is pretty raunchy!
Unfortunately, the doughnut diet might cost more then a brand new dry suit of the proper size! LOL
I also got big feet... thats another hinderance. I've also spent a great deal of time with a multitude of different drysuits and found medium to be the optimal size for most brands. Larges were usually too baggy in the middle, as I'm also thin as a rail. You can add as much undergarment as you want, but it sucks to have all that bagginess.
IDK, the more research I do, the more I realize, it may be better to rent something for the few dives I wanna do this year and hope for a better financial situation next year.
thanks again for the responses and let the rant continue!
lol the northern divers drysuit i have is a size 12 boot
