Moogyboy:hey ho
Well I guess I'm officially part of the big happy Conshelfers family as of today, as I won an eBay auction for an SE2 first stage for all of $41.00 plus shipping. I guess I'll add the second from my Pro Diver as well the other hose-connected stuff, and I'll be good to go. Next step: an octo.
Dunno what I want to do with the Pro Diver first's kind of a funny shape to be a paperweight.
Anyway, needless to say I'm excited. Yes this amounts to an older regulator anyway you look at it but I have no qualms about that. With any luck I may not need to buy another reg setup for a while.
Billy S.
I think you got a great deal, even if it has to be serviced before you can use it. I can't imagine not being able to get parts any time soon. I just had mine ( and my wife's SEA) serviced for my Cayman trip next week, and my 16 year old warranty card is still good for free parts.