Question Upgrading from SeaLife DC2000 - so many choices!!

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Scuba Instructor
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Raleigh, NC
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0 - 24
Bit of history here for background. I bought my wife a used DC1400 system. She hated it. I bought a brand new DC2000 system with flashes and video lights. She wouldn’t even look at it. The wife is gone so I figured I’d try it. I liked it enough that I decided to take a class. I learned how to shoot in manual, control different settings, and proper strobe position. Cool, right? Now I’m looking to upgrade to a camera that I can shoot in manual with and can add lighting and accessories as needed. I feel like the Sealife is limited to what is in my case now, especially given that it has been discontinued.

I don’t want to take out a second mortgage for a system. I do want to be able to continue shooting in manual which rules out the TG series cameras. I’d like something versatile and less proprietary with regards to adding lighting etc. Eventually I’ll learn how to work with images saved in RAW format so I think that would be a good option. I’d also need something that has a housing rated to at least 200’ for trips to Bikini Atoll next year and Truk the following year with other trips mixed in.

I've been in the same boat! I've been wanting to upgrade from my DC2000 to something else without breaking the bank.
Take a look at the packages that Backscatter has for the Olympus OM-D E-M10 IV.

One of my dive buddies had has one for about a year and it's been great. I bought mine about 2 months ago & have played with it in freshwater. I'm loving it so far. I'm heading to Cozumel (in route as I'm writing this) to give a real shakedown.
Here you go:

Probably closer to your needs, a Nauticam with the Canon GX7 camera, a member here has one for sale I think still.

Thing is, there really are not many choices, I wish there were.
Here you go:

Probably closer to your needs, a Nauticam with the Canon GX7 camera, a member here has one for sale I think still.

Thing is, there really are not many choices, I wish there were.
Those cameras are hard to find new.

I may be leaning towards a mirrorless system. More complicated and expensive but I think it’s the better option long term.
Question - What’s wrong with the DC2000 Sealife cameras that leaves you wanting to spend more $$$$?
Question - What’s wrong with the DC2000 Sealife cameras that leaves you wanting to spend more $$$$?
A few reasons. First and foremost the camera is discontinued, so if anything happens it’s done. I can’t really expand and add things like focus lights because it uses the Sealife arms and tray, so if I want to upgrade lighting I have to change half the setup. I’m not overly trusting of the housing, it feels cheap and if I do dives close to the rating of the housing I just don’t trust it.

Overall I feel like the camera is limiting if I want to take better pictures.
You'll have to go into DSLR camera as there're few "Prosumer", or compact camera with full manual control, in the market at this time. And for those few that are still available, some don't have housing for it.

I was in pretty much same position as you are about a year ago. Previously I use Canon G16 in Ikelite housing for almost 10 yrs - And the camera came close to the end of its life. Battery swollen, screen dim & burnt. So I decided to bought 2nd hand Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark III with a couple of lenses - and go with Ikelite housing. Oly EM5III give pretty good file quality, Oly lenses are good. Camera system is quite compact and light, compare to full-frame DSLR. And the camera successor, OM-System OM-5 is physically identical to EM5III.

Going Ikelite might not suit you as it's quite "Proprietary" in term of its strobe. I got one of their strobe (DS-161) for the previous set (Canon G16) and I can continue use it. Come and think of it, my strobe would be 10 years old next year and it still function. I think they just release an add-on part that can make the housing work with Fiber-Optic strobe made by other brand. Might work check it out. Ikelite make housing for many brand/model of camera.

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