Update on the 12 yr old and classes

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Cluck Buster

Reaction score
Fort Meade, FL
# of dives
0 - 24
Just an update to Walter, FossilBabe, and the others who responded to my previous request for advice, my son and I have completed week 1 of dive classes in Lakeland. His birthday is Monday, the 29th, and rather than the usual weekend at Universal Studios, he'd rather visit the get-together on the 27th in Venice, so keep your eyes peeled for us.

Thanks again for your time and concern.
We are at Deep Six. It was actually cheaper for me to take a full course there than it would be to 1. Replace my card, 2. Take a refresher course, and 3. Book a trip along with my son on his cert dive. We should be on our own down in Venice by the end of July (back from the cert dive, geared up, etc...)
It was great meeting you and your family. Wow Love your kids and you have done a great job with them as well. Looking forward to seeing more of you guys and let me know when you back in my neck of the woods. Otherwise see you in the mines or on the river. I go up that way a lot in the winter so maybe we can all hook up again.
We had a great time, and the kids went through their teeth, sorting them based on the book. We'll make it a point to stop by sometime.

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