Unscrewing valves

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San Francisco, California, United States
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500 - 999
I bought a tec skin for my Fusion and I am ready to install it. I watched the videos on Whites' website but I have been struggling trying to remove the valves in order to replace the old skin with the new one. I have not been able to unscrew them by hand and I was wondering whether a special tool is needed. I am reluctant about using plyers as I am afraid that I may damage the valves.

Thanks for any advice you may have.
Hey sffrenchman.
We use tools reffered to as valve keys it remove and install our valves. usally they are not installed that tight that they cannot be removed by hand, however once in awhile this does occur. What I would recommend is that you check with your local dealer to see if they may have the tools to assist you in this, the last thing we want is to damage the valve. Let me know what you find out.
thanks Doug.
If you look at the very base of the valve on both sides of it you will see two tiny plastic numbs. There is a spanner tool that engages those numbs.

As whites has said, 99% of the valves can just be unscrewed by hand. They don't need to be that tight to seal, there is not that much pressure. Try a rubber mitt like you use in the kitchen for a stuck jar lid. Just make sure to grasp the very base of the valve where those little numbs are. Applying torque to the upper section (especially the exhaust) can damage the valves.
If you look at the very base of the valve on both sides of it you will see two tiny plastic numbs. There is a spanner tool that engages those numbs.
I'm not a gear junkie...but when I think of spanner tools, I envision wrenches. The Sitech tool set that the Whites guys are talking about looks like this. The 2-piece tool set works great for removing/installing both inflater and exhaust valves. I highly recommend getting a hold of it to help with the installation. Nice to have it on hand for the future, too. Hope this info helps...

@fppf: When you mention "numbs" did you mean to say "nibs" or "nubs"? As I said before, I'm not very experienced with mechanical stuff and I understand that you have the ability to fabricate custom tools and parts.
Thanks guys. I will definitely get the tools for dismounting the valves.


Yeah, sorry I meant "nubs" sometimes the fingers move faster then the brain.

And, yes that is the tool, I guess its more like a special socket then a spanner.

You really don't need the tool. I have done many valves and have not needed one yet. I would not use the tool to tighten them. You can over tighten them just by hand.
The kitchen rubber mitt did the trick and I was able to unscrew the valves. Thanks for the tip! :wink:
You know, now that I think about it, I don't think I ever paid for the special tool set. I think Sitech sent it to me when my exhaust valve required in-warranty replacement. The part was sent all the way from Sweden. Very good, super-prompt customer service BTW. IIRC, there's a 3 year warranty on their valves.

I'm glad that you were able to get the kitchen rubber mitt to work. Dishwashing rubber gloves or latex disposable gloves can be great for loosening things like reg face covers, too. Kudos to fppf for the recommendation. We love happy endings here on SB. :)
See, I'm good for something now and then :wink:
Now if I can only convince the wife of that :headscratch:

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