UP's experience notwithstanding most divers report feeling less narcosis with higher O2 mixes. This issue is so confusing to many that even within PADI, training material contradictions on this subject exist. In the PADI tec deep manual it states that oxygen should be treated as being equally narcotic as nitrogen yet in the rebreather training material they state that care must be taken to avoid narcosis due to high nitrogen levels in the breathing loop. This shows a clear lack of definate information on the subject.scubafool:This is sort of an answer to a question that has been bouncing around in my pea brain as of late, which is " Is enriched air(nitrox) less or more narcotic than regular air at deeper depths?". My thought was that the lower nitrogen levels would make nitrox slightly less narcotic than air, considering that O2 takes the place of nitrogen. Considering all of this, however, possibly the reverse is actually true?
To look at UP's observation from a different angle there are many who experience a noticable reversal of narcosis effects in the presents of helium to a degree greater than the actual percentage of the helium mix. This leads us to believe that helium is like an "antidote" to nitrogen narcosis. This would offer another explaination for UP's noticable increase of impairment when switching to EAN 50 from trimix.