Unified Dive Industry wants to change DEMA for the better!

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He's afraid that he wouldn't get any more awards from PADI. Let's see who else flip-flops, it'll be interesting.
He's afraid that he wouldn't get any more awards from PADI. Let's see who else flip-flops, it'll be interesting.
Please! We don't need to assign motives that just aren't there. I know Patrick well enough to be able to say with certainty that he is loyal to a fault and not at all petty. There are a number of these points that make me uncomfortable as well.

BOD Resignation? On the second or third read of it, this comes across as a criminal indictment of the BOD. I know many of them personally, and while we may not see eye to eye about marketing, I surely don't think of any of them is a crook! In fact, I just looked at the entire Board and I would call all but two friends and a few of them good friends at that. The other two I just don't know at all! There is no way that I can look at Dan Orr, Neal Watson, Al Hornsby or Ty Sawyer and have anything but admiration for their long careers in our industry! The others are probably in a similar situation, but I just don't know them well enough. I really don't feel a need for a recall of them at this time.

Term limits? I am all for them. Personally, I feel a lot of this feeling of frustration comes from that decision. It was too quick.

One member/one vote? I really like this concept but I won't lose any sleep over the status quo remaining.

What's NOT in the petition? DEMA's lack of Focus. DEMA's inability to embrace new Marketing strategies. DEMA's good ol' boy reputation. I see a lot wrong with DEMA but I am not willing to toss out the baby with the bath water.

There will be, no doubt, a few more weak souls.

The pressure is on.

Interesting to see that many folks are still fence sitting, NAUI, Akona, Cressi, Ikelite, Henderson, Mares, Poseidon, Sherwood, TUSA, Zeagle, and many others.

Fence sitting solves nothing. It would be in the best interest of all if these hang back folks just vote, express themselves, one way or the other. At least stand up and be counted.

There will be, no doubt, a few more weak souls.

The pressure is on.

Interesting to see that many folks are still fence sitting, NAUI, Akona, Cressi, Ikelite, Henderson, Mares, Poseidon, Sherwood, TUSA, Zeagle, and many others.

Fence sitting solves nothing. It would be in the best interest of all if these hang back folks just vote, express themselves, one way or the other. At least stand up and be counted.

Sherwood and Tusa are on the board....
Yes, Sherwood and TUSA are on the board, we know that. They can, however; weigh in with how they feel.

Silence is like looking away and not being engaged. If they do not seek any change, fine, just express themselves. Tell us why. We can all learn something from each other. At least, we have finally started the conversation.
BOD Resignation? On the second or third read of it, this comes across as a criminal indictment of the BOD.

Why? Resign and stand for election under the provisions the petition seeks. If there is support for their past actions they will be re elected, if not they won't. AFAIK nobody has called the district attorney or impaneled a grand jury.

Term limits? I am all for them. Personally, I feel a lot of this feeling of frustration comes from that decision. It was too quick.

One member/one vote? I really like this concept but I won't lose any sleep over the status quo remaining.

What's NOT in the petition? DEMA's lack of Focus. DEMA's inability to embrace new Marketing strategies. DEMA's good ol' boy reputation. I see a lot wrong with DEMA but I am not willing to toss out the baby with the bath water.

Pete, you've tried to get the BOD to look at the calendar and realize it's not 1980 anymore. Without a popular revolt and recall and revision of the Bylaws is it reasonable to expect they will now see the light?

I was being apocryphal (if atheists are permited to be:wink:). My point was that PADI (who stands to be one of the bigger losers with change) is likely applying the pressure and it appears that Patrick just blinked. That does not make him a bad person, just someone whose first concern is what side his bed is buttered on, but we'll jump off that bridge when we get to it I guess.
I was being apocryphal (if atheists are permited to be:wink:). My point was that PADI (who stands to be one of the bigger losers with change) is likely applying the pressure and it appears that Patrick just blinked. That does not make him a bad person, just someone whose first concern is what side his bed is buttered on, but we'll jump off that bridge when we get to it I guess.
I didn't see it as apocryphal but as making an assumption. You continue to do that when you blame PADI for his change of heart/mind.

Why can't we just take him at his word? I don't mind being critical of REAL issues that I see, and I don't mind raising questions when the truth is less than apparent. However, I refuse to vilify someone or a business just because they disagree with me. This is especially true when I consider that person a friend. I think the ethical route to take here is to accept explanations at face value and to avoid conspiracy theories until such time as we see clear evidence for them. There is no need or benefit in jumping to conclusions and letting our emotions make decisions for us!
I'd rather that you were right, but I've been around long enough to develop a healthy dose of cynicism.
Why? Resign and stand for election under the provisions the petition seeks. If there is support for their past actions they will be re elected, if not they won't. AFAIK nobody has called the district attorney or impaneled a grand jury.
If you are going to recall them for this, then say so. The letter seems more of an indictment of their business ethics and I just don't see that as an issue.
Pete, you've tried to get the BOD to look at the calendar and realize it's not 1980 anymore. Without a popular revolt and recall and revision of the Bylaws is it reasonable to expect they will now see the light?
Tobin, you of all people should know how loyal I am. Does the board need focus and change? Sure. But as I pointed out, I know a goodly number of this board and I simply don't have a problem with them individually. What will it take for them to wake up and smell the HTML? I don't know, but I am not willing to sacrifice friendships on the altar of desperation.

Let's face it. The industry is still in crisis. Manufacturers are having a hard time filling orders because they have had to cut back on staff on all levels. Shops are still reeling from a lack of discretionary funds finding their way through their doors. I sincerely want to be a part of the solution and not just part of an angry mob.

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