Having taken apart several eBay used Atomic regulators recently ( switching from AL to Atomic regulators ) I have seen first hand the differences of sealed and unsealed piston regs. The unsealed B2 I purchased for @rsinglers regulator course showed much wear to the interior wall of the first stage body, although the piston looked to be in good shape. The first stage bodies of the used but sealed T2X and T3 reg sets I purchased for my own use looked new inside. The Monel pistons on both sealed regs did not fair as well and showed some corrosion similar to the pictures Rob posted above. Even though there was some residual pitting on the Monel pistons after I cleaned and polished them, they both functioned to spec when reassembled with a new service kit. For my part I would rather seal the first stage in order to protect the body while potentially sacrificing the piston than to leave unsealed and potentially damage the body by scraping abrasives into the body wall. If I have to polish the piston every few years and eventually replace in order to protect the body that seems like a good value trade to me. The pictures below are from a sealed but never serviced 7 year old T3. I wish I had taken pictures of the body after cleaning but even with magnification there was no visible wear to the body wall.