Zap Diver,
I didn't intend to worry you about diving with sharks. They are truly graceful and beautiful creations. You have the same chance of getting struck by lightening as getting attacked by a shark. I have dove with Tigers, Hammers, Bulls and Silkies. No worries. Enjoy the show
Your chances are also higher of getting killed by falling coconuts and vending machines. I stay away from coconut palms and only buy my soft drinks off the shelf.
I've dived with hundreds of sharks (that does not include the lawyers) and never had an incident. Done a number of cageless shark dives out in deep water without a problem. A 14 ft great white even swam past my buddy (Wyland) and me on a local dive. Even though my old M&B wetsuit looks like I've experienced multiple shark attacks, I've never been threatened (except once by a HUGE tiger shark who bumped our kayak in the Sea of Cortez back in 1971).