Join SECONN Divers in their annual Earth Day Underwater Beach Cleanup. This year it is happening on April 23. It is the Saturday after Earth Day (4/22). The cleanup begins at 10 am at the Customs House Pier in New London, CT. There were several of us from the UCONN Dive Club there a few months ago and there is a ton of trash, far more than 5 divers with grab bags can fill. I brought up several cell phones, brass knuckles, a bb gun, alot of bottles, cans, and solo cups. This dive is 25 ft max, decent vis, and an overall fun dive. There are a few places to enter, including a giant stride off the pier with a ten ft drop. There will be a bbq afterwards and hopefully an appearance from the local rescue dive teams and several clubs and shops in the area. PM for more details and directions.