Good replies from all of you! Let me elaborate on the situation a bit more and also give you my take on the outcome.
First, I was trained to and always have used my DS for buoyancy control as it increases the thermal protection and comfort where I normally dive.(36 degree water temp on this dive. To each his/her own). I know the routine quite well. I am aware of the slower dump properties of my suit vs my bc so I dump early and often upon ascent and open the valve almost all the way for ease of release. My technique in this case, however, was not the driving force in this issue as I have since learned that it was the lack of weighing "All!" the possibilities as the cause of the problem that percipitated the event.. A short phone call to my instructor revealed he had the same suspitions. I feel, after all is said and done, I was lucky to not be hurt, remembered what to do, and reacted as best I could with calm and resolve to correct the situation. I made good and bad decisions in the span of seconds and there in lies the reality. Does the good overcome the bad? In this case, it did.
So, my point in posting this experience was to show that it(whatever "it" is) can happen to anyone, so pay attention to ALL of your gear. Just because it was fine 10 minutes ago doesn't mean it is now. Be aware! Pay just a little more attention than you normally do and remember this senario if you ever find yourself in a similliar situation.
Dive Safe, Please!