This will be my 5th and final post on diving the U-853. Here I want to go over some easy penetrations and how you might want to work up to them. But most important, it will greatly speed your practical education if you can find a good boat and a diving mentor who will show you the ropes, and the wreck.
There are more then a few boats running out to the U-boat from CT, NY, and RI. The CT boats are out of Mystic and New London, NY boats run from Montauk, and RI boats run from Point Judith and Newport. When you make your reservations, ask if there are any divers going that might be able to fill the mentor role, there just may be.
Now for the wreck; Im not going to go over the After Torpedo Room in any depth as I think I did that well enough in the 1st post. Here Im going to talk about penetrations.
#1) The easiest route is from the open after torpedo room forward through the large round bulkhead hatch into the Electric Motor room, then out the bomb hole on the wrecks right hand side. You can go forward and have a look through the rectangular hatch into the Diesel Engine room, but dont go in on your first trip, just get used to the insides of the boat. You may want to do a few entries and exits on this route to get used to passing through the hatch.
#2) A simple in and out of the control room through the forward bomb hole and the round hatch in the control rooms forward bulkhead. Just go in and stop and look around, study the photos from the U-505 and try to superimposed your mental image on what you see. After a while, the wreck will start to come alive for you. On your second or third time in the control room, work your way to the after hatch into the Diesel Engine room, then back out through the control room and forward bomb hole.
#3) You should now be comfortable in both the Control room and the Electric motor room, time to put them together. Pass through the Control room and into the Diesel engine room, move slowly and work your way between the engines and back to the hatch into the Electric motor room. Then out the aft bomb hole or through the hatch to the after torpedo room. I find that it is easier to go from the control room aft then to work forward from the electric motor room.
#4) Move forward from the forward bomb hole into the crews spaces. Dont go far and dont go past the galley. Just get used to the space and what is there. Then turn around and back out the bomb hole.
#5) If you want to go into the forward torpedo room, practice going through the after torpedo loading hatch. The hatch just leads to the open areas of the after torpedo room, so it is almost like jumping through a hoop. Get used to getting into the area from on deck and from the room area back out through the hatch. When you are both proficient and comfortable doing this, you should be ready for the forward torpedo room. I have described the forward torpedo room in post #2, just remember the I-beams are your highway, use them if you are at all unsure.
#6) If you are comfortable in the forward torpedo room, perhaps it is time to head aft into the crews quarters. But dont do it just to do it and dont let anyone push you to do it. Many, if not most divers will ever go into the forward torpedo room, and even fewer will head aft into the crews quarters. For this route, it is in the forward torpedo loading hatch, back through the crews quarters, past the galley, and on to the forward bomb hole.
#7) The grand tour, In the forward torpedo loading hatch up to the forward torpedo tubes, back into the crews quarters, to the bomb hole, into the control room, then the diesel engine room, on to the electric motor room, and out the after torpedo room. This final dive takes me about 15 minutes to slowly make my way and not stirring up the bottom passing through 7 hatches along the way.
I have specifically not gone into gear, equipment, gasses, tanks, running lines, etc. These are for you to decide on with your training and practical experience. But I would make an observation about lines in the wreck. Just about all the routes I have laid out go in one hatch or area and out another. If you run a line, you will either have to reverse your full trip to reel it up or cut it off. Cutting off a penetration line is not only bad form as far as littering the wreck, but you have just left an entanglement hazard for the next diver/team. For this reason, I do not run a line inside the U-853.
Pete Johnson