Thanks for the input since the last message, but "burden of a 3rd diver" ??? this is completely the point, if you think it a burden don't bloody do it. INST and DM, lets call them SFUMOAICCMOT (translations available privately) were unable to communicate with anybody.
Both were of the opinion the no diver shall travel and dive unless accompanied by there own buddy. Of course us single divers are jealous of you partners in water partners in life type people but and I phrase from the original letter " Sinlge travellers should get a life and not trouble us well adjusted folk with your shortfalls"
See the reaction?? I like to think I bring something to the party with whoever I dive with when travelling, yes I agree with all previous mail, good comunication between a 3 is essential, just as a good planning between a 2 new to each other is required whilst on vacation. The trouble with this letter is both could not see past their own innsular pleasure, so innsular that they could not communicate anything to anybody, is there not great satisfaction in helping/developing a less experienced diver, I think so.
Is there anyone on the board who would not under any circumstances be trebbled and would just sit there and say nothing, I don't think so.
The thing that provoked the most reaction is that "Diver magazine" made this their letter of the week and actually sent the guy a prize.
P.S. I'm prepared to fish the article out and post word for word so you actually get to compare with my, lets face it, pretty biased view.
Thanks for the input since the last message, but "burden of a 3rd diver" ??? this is completely the point, if you think it a burden don't bloody do it. INST and DM, lets call them SFUMOAICCMOT (translations available privately) were unable to communicate with anybody.
Both were of the opinion the no diver shall travel and dive unless accompanied by there own buddy. Of course us single divers are jealous of you partners in water partners in life type people but and I phrase from the original letter " Sinlge travellers should get a life and not trouble us well adjusted folk with your shortfalls"
See the reaction?? I like to think I bring something to the party with whoever I dive with when travelling, yes I agree with all previous mail, good comunication between a 3 is essential, just as a good planning between a 2 new to each other is required whilst on vacation. The trouble with this letter is both could not see past their own innsular pleasure, so innsular that they could not communicate anything to anybody, is there not great satisfaction in helping/developing a less experienced diver, I think so.
Is there anyone on the board who would not under any circumstances be trebbled and would just sit there and say nothing, I don't think so.
The thing that provoked the most reaction is that "Diver magazine" made this their letter of the week and actually sent the guy a prize.
P.S. I'm prepared to fish the article out and post word for word so you actually get to compare with my, lets face it, pretty biased view.