Here in Canada, it will be mandatory by 2009 that all small motorized craft operators carry a "Pleasure Craft Operator Card", which basically proves you know the rules of the water.
I think this is a great idea. I was amazed when I bought my first boat that no licensing was required. I took the (Power Squadron) safety course which mentioned what dive flags were and how to operate around them, but it wasn't drilled in. I found it hard to believe that any >18y.o. who can afford a boat and registration can head out on the water. I've seen people (some with very expensive boats) do some amazingly dumb things (presumably sober). I know of many others who go out primarily to socialize and drink (and then of course head back to the dock).
If I need to study and pass a test to use my boat and if it thins out the pack of idiots, saves lives, and prevents some of the environmental damage caused by bad/inexperienced boaters, I'm all for it!