Two gobies and one triplefin (?) from Lembeh

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I initially thought the pink-lipped guy in the first photo was a dragonet, but have been informed that it's likely a triplefin - I am interested to hear opinions from Scubaboard!
I'm fairly sure the 2nd photo is a goby; maybe 0.6 cm.
The third photo is a type of shrimpgoby, about 3 cm long.

ID WTF Triplefin.jpgID Goby.jpgID Gobygoby.jpg
I think you're spot on with #1; thanks :)
I don't remember #2 having defined stripes but it could well be a juvenile; looks otherwise very similar to Asterropteryx striata

Thanks a lot for your input!!

1: Miracle triplefin
2: Striped goby(Asterropteryx striata)
3: Shrimpgoby[/QUOTE]

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