TWARS (This Week at Reef Seekers) - May 30 & 31 - Scuba Show edition

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Ken Kurtis

Reaction score
Beverly Hills, CA
# of dives
5000 - ∞
Scuba Show goes virtual, and more

Since you're going to get the monthly newsletter from me Sunday night, I figured I'd send out TWARS early, especially since this is the weekend of the Scuba Show. Although we can't gather in person, the organizers have made it into a 100%-virtual event, including the seminars (which you'll be able to watch through FB Live on the Scuba Show 2020 page). Here's their e-mail about everything:

Join us May 30-31, 2020 on Facebook Live!The Show must go on(line)!Join us this weekend on Facebook Live.While the 2020 Scuba Show is physically cancelled due to COVID-19, we decided we can't let the weekend pass without trying to bring some of the show to you in your homes! Join us this weekend for six free Scuba Show sessions - we've got a great lineup for you including discussions on diving and COVID-19, beach diving in SoCal, a panel on diving accidents and more. See below for descriptions and times for all of these FREE live events!And it wouldn't be the Scuba Show without some prizes. During the live sessions we're giving away 10 immersion dives at the Aquarium of the Pacific and a fine art print from Blue Ocean Art.Can't join us? No worries - the sessions will be recorded and available on demand!And keep your eyes on your inbox - in the next day or two we'll be sending out links to some of the best parts of the show online!Read more about our virtual plans:

PANEL DISCUSSION - Dive Accidents: What We Learned From Five Incidents

Any time there is a scuba fatality in Los Angeles County, the Office of Medical Examiner-Corner is charged with finding out why. Sometimes it’s medically related, many times it’s diver error, but all fatalities are thoroughly investigated to determine what went wrong. In this very popular panel discussion, you will get an overview of the Coroner’s work.2019 was a record-setting year in LA County as there were ZERO dive fatalities, so five actual cases from the recent past will be presented -- three fatalities, and two that were successfully treated at the chamber. For each, the panel will cover the accident, the attempted or successful treatment of the victim at the Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber, what the accident analysis discovered, and what the takeaway lessons are.It is said that the wise man learns from the mistakes of others and divers of all experience levels can learn lessons from these tragedies that could truly prevent a death in the future.

Presented by Karl Huggins, Ken Kurtis and L.A. Coroner John Kades
Airs on Facebook Live on Saturday, May 30 @ 4PM
Safety and Practical Issues for the Older Diver

This presentation is a review of how the normal aging process affects diver safety, and what every diver should know about risk and risk mitigation to improve their safety, regardless of age. When taking stock of our physical abilities and capabilities as we age there are absolutes that divers should be familiar with. The good news is that with age, usually comes wisdom and that improved judgment and reasoning can help you compensate for most negative body function changes. Knowing that we will have some level of impairment as we age brings us to how we can make accommodations and still dive safely. Aging is a fact of life but how we handle growing older can make the difference between enjoying diving well into our Golden Years and having to prematurely hang up our fins.

Presented by Dan Orr
Airs on Facebook Live on Sunday, May 31 @ 11AM
Diving in the Era of COVID-19

The world is currently dealing with a generation-defining pandemic in COVID-19 that has affected all aspects of our lives. This includes both our ability to enjoy the sport we love and the diving industry as a whole. Dr. Douglas Ebersole, a cardiology consultant to Divers Alert Network who contracted and has recovered from COVID-19, will provide an overview of the presentation and pathophysiology of the virus and its complications as well as discussing ways the diving industry will need to change in terms of disinfecting gear, providing safe dive training, and assuring a safe environment for crew and customers on dive charters. Finally, the presentation will provide a framework for divers who have contracted the virus to safely return to diving.

Presented by Douglas Ebersole, MD
Airs on Facebook Live on Sunday, May 31 @ 12PM
Getting Back into the Water with Your Camera System

Every underwater photographer on the planet is anxious to get back into the water as soon as it is safely possible. That is a “no brainer”. But getting back into the water and being smart about the way you go about it can be the difference between great shots and disappointing results. Being thoughtful about your “re-entry” approach can also help you keep your camera system in good working order. Marty’s seminar will help you get your head back into the photographic game.Marty will also share his thoughts and some suggested techniques regarding the four exposure scenarios we all find ourselves in when creating photographs underwater.In short, Marty will help you “knock the rust off” of your photographic thinking and techniques to help you get back into the water with a solid photographic game plan.

Presented by Marty Snyderman
Airs on Facebook Live on Sunday, May 31 @ 1PM
Southern California's Best Beach Dives

With foreign travel temporarily restricted, more divers are yearning to find their way into California waters. Beach diving along the Southern California Coastline has always been fun and easy, and you can even avoid the crowds (both divers and non-divers) if you know where to go. This seminar, given by the authors of the popular book Southern California’s Best Beach Dives, will touch upon some of these hidden treasures. The popular seminar will include what you can expect above and below the water, marine life encounters, and tips on how to make your beach dives as enjoyable as possible.

Presented by Dale and Kim Sheckler
Airs on Facebook Live on Sunday, May 31 @ 2PM
The Conception Fire Nine Months Later - What We Know, What We Don't Know, and What We Need to Learn

The September 2019 fire aboard the California dive boat Conception resulted in the loss of 34 lives and is ranked as the one of the worst maritime disasters in modern California history. Although the investigation continues, in the nine months since the fire, many factual details have come out but much misinformation has circulated as well. In this talk, Ken Kurtis - owner of Reef Seekers Dive Co. in Beverly Hills and a consultant/investigator on scuba fatalities - will go over what we believe to be true, what we know not to be true, what we don't know, and what we can learn from all of this. Such areas as the timeline of events, Coast Guard and federal regulations will all be discussed. As time permits, a Q&A session will follow the presentation.
Presented by Ken Kurtis
Airs on Facebook Live on Sunday, May 31 @ 3PM
And that'll do it for now. Have a great week, tune in this weekend, and let's go diving soon one of these days!!!

- Ken

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