TWARS (This Week at Reef Seekers) - March 14-21

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Ken Kurtis

Reaction score
Beverly Hills, CA
# of dives
5000 - ∞
Bonaire, Insurance, Avalon, and lots more
(please scroll down for details)

Hopefully you remembered to move your clocks AHEAD for DST . . .

AND HAPPY PI DAY AS WELL - It's math nerds favorite day: 3.14.

IN CASE YOU MISSED MIKE EMMERMAN'S ZOOM SEEKERS TALK - It's up on our YouTube page as well as on the Reef Seekers FaceBook page. Not only was it a nice talk about a correlation between driving habits and diving habits, but we had a really good interactive discussion for about 45 minutes afterwards. You can view all or some of this at this link: MIKE EMMERMAN - LIFE IN THE FAST LANE. (BTW, if you miss a Zoom Seekers talk or want to revisit one, there are links to the videos on the Zoom Seekers page at

AQUARIUM OF THE PACIFIC RE-OPENS FULLY - Yahoo!!! Since L.A. County is moving from the most-restrictive purple tier to red, you'll be able to access all areas of the Aquarium starting Tuesday. But it's very important to note that you can't just show up. You've got to make an in-advance timed reservation. This includes those who have a pre-paid, membership, or comp ticket. (There's no charge to make the reservation.) Also be aware you'll still need to wear a mask, following social distancing, as well as other safety protocols. Here's the link to come visit: AQUARIUM RESERVATIONS.

BONAIRE CLOSES PARTIALLY - If you're going to Bonaire, you can still fly in, but you may not be able to do much once you get there, including diving, according to Undercurrent. This seems to include diving. From the Undercurrent e-mail: "Because of rising COVID-19 infections on the island, on March 8, Bonaire implemented its Phase 5 risk measures, closing non-essential businesses, diving included. While hotels may serve meals to guests, only take-out is otherwise available." I've sent a note to Buddy Dive to confirm this but have yet to receive a response. It may just be that boat dive operations are curtailed but if they're also not allowed to fill tanks, then that'll kill the shore diving as well. As more people get vaccinated and let their guard down, while at the same time COVID variants seem to pop up and spread (England is again on lockdown - only essential services and tasks permitted for the most part - for another month or so it seems), it shouldn't surprise anyone that some pockets of COVID will spring up here and there. So if you've got travel planned in the near future, check before you go.

TRAVEL INSURANCE - If you are travelling, BEFORE you leave, make sure that you not only have travel insurance, but that your insurance doesn't specifically exclude coverage for COVID while out of the United States. (A number of policies do, especially if you've renewed in the last 12 months.) Also remember if you're on Medicare, that coverage usually ends outside of the country so make sure you have some sort of supplemental policy.

A GOOD INSURANCE STORY - And it involves DAN. One of our regular divers was in mexico on a non-diving trip to San Ignacio Lagoon to see the Gray Whales. While there, she tripped and broke her ankle in three places. Ouch!!! On top of that, the injury immobilized her so she was unable to fly without surgery. The DAN Guardian and Preferred plans both include non-diving accident coverage. Unfortunately she had only purchased the Master plan which doesn't include non-diving coverage. Even so, after consulting with DAN, they arranged for a trained nurse to fly down to meet her post-surgery in Cabo, fly back with her to L.A., and even paid for extra seats on the plane so she could keep her repaired leg elevated. Stories like that are why I've always touted DAN insurance for many years. If you don't already have it, you can apply here: SIGN UP FOR DAN INSURANCE.

GUADALUPE ISLAND WILL REMAIN CLOSED ALL YEAR - We got a notice from Nautilus that the Mexican government has decided to keep Guadalupe closed at least through the end of 2021, which effectively kills the Great White Shark season there for this year. If you have a trip planned there for 2021, regardless of who it's with, give your tour operator a call to see what's what.

CLARIFYING MY LUXFER THOUGHTS FROM LAST WEEK - In TWARS last week, I mentioned that Luxfer was getting out of the aluminum tank business and had sold that division off. Although I mentioned a problem with a special tank manufacturing permit, I don't want you to think your Luxfer tanks are suddenly useless. They're not. Any tank stamped "3AL" (aluminum) or "3AA" (steel) is perfectly good to use with a valid hydro and VIP. That applies to Luxfer and others as well. There are companies other than Luxfer that make aluminum &/or steel tanks which will also continue to be sold and used. So if you got the impression last week that your aluminum tank was going to become a flower pot, my apologies.

CATALINA ON FRIDAY - Please note we've moved our Avalon Underwater Park trip and will now go on Friday, March 19. (Same day as the swallows return to Capistrano and the buzzards return to Hinkley, Ohio.) We made the change because it means we can do the 9AM boat out of San Pedro rather than a 7AM boat. (The return's a bit better too.) $160/person covers you for the boat, taxi, and aluminum air tank rental. I'm looking forward not only to seeing if we can find any Giant Sea Bass, but also to see how the new Cousteau Plaque is holding up now that's been down there for four months. If you want to join us - and we're a definitely GO for this (barring any weather surprises) - give us a call at 310/652-4990.

NO CHAMBER DAY HARANGUE THIS WEEK - There's so much stuff to digest this week that I don't want to spend any more of your precious time asking you to sign up for a virtual Chamber Day boat or the Dutchman, or to ask you to grab a virtual seat at Chamber Eve, or even to make a donation to the Chamber Challenge. And I'm certainly NOT going to mention that you do all of this at We'll save all of that for a later time . . .

And that'll do it for now. Have a great week, wear your mask, keep looking for a vaccine appointment, and let's go diving soon!!!

- Ken
Have been some recent sightings of sharks in the dive park, Ken. Several sightings of tope (soupfin) sharks and two unconfirmed reports of a blue and a thresher. I believe the tope sightings as I've seen one there recently and I've confirmed another via video.

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