Ken Kurtis
The new year, Light & Motion, and more
(please scroll down for details)
I'm still not used to writing "2025", plus Zager & Evans keeps popping into my brain but that was "2525" . . .(please scroll down for details)
HAPPY NEW YEAR - How has 2025 been going for you so far? I don't know why, and maybe because it started in the middle of the week, but it feels to me like the "new year" doesn't really get going until Monday (tomorrow, as I'm writing this). Maybe it's because that's the first full week of 2025. Maybe it's because there was still enough residual stuff left over from 2024 - take down Christmas stuff, close out 2024 books, etc. - that it just feels like the new year hasn't quite kicked off. Whatever the case, here's looking to a fun and interesting ride for the duration.

CHAMBER DAY STICKER SHOCK - We might as well get this out early as we've started prep for Chamber Day & Eve 2025. But we're succumbing to economic relaties and having to raise prices, for both Chamber Day and Chamber Eve, to $175/person for each. Especially for Chamber Eve, our pricing hasn't kept pace with increased costs for holding the event - we don't pay for the Aquarium but we have to pay for food and some other things - which necessitates the increase. By the same token, we're holding the prices for both the Flying Dutchman and Virtual Chamber Eve steady at $95/person for each one. And it certainly all goes to a good cause, which is keeping our Catalina Hyperbaric Chamber financially sound. I shudder to think what diving would be like, or how many people would suffer catastrophic injuries, if our Chamber was not available 24/7/365. The official date for the event is May 7 and the website will go live on March 1 which is also when official sign-ups begin. Reef Seekers will once again serve as Chamber Day HQ and we'll have a table at Chamber Eve (and Virtual Chamber Eve) as well. Hope to have you involved.
LIGHT & MOTION IS CLOSING THEIR DOORS AFTER 35+ YEARS - These are the folks that make Sola lights and this is rather sudden, unexpected, and sad news. CEO Daniel Emerson has this posted on their website: "Due to many factors, Light & Motion, a US manufacturer of dive, bike, photography and video lights is closing its operations. Over our 35 years in business, we have delivered some amazing products and enjoyed innovating to solve customer problems while building products in the US. The challenges of being a US manufacturer are significant and the political winds, regardless of the talk, have been against US manufacturing, which continues its decline. We designed our lights to provide many years of continued use and we thank you all for your support over the years. We are not able to provide service, but some of our dealers are able to repair lights, including Backscatter." Their lights are really good - I shoot my GoPro stuff with two of their video lights - and they will be missed. Their website lists everything as SOLD OUT but I'm sure you'll find some dwindling stock at some of their local dealers.
UPCOMING DIVE OPPORTUNITIES - At Reef Seekers, we try to offer you a variety of post-certification dive experiences. These include our foreign trips (Easter Island, Roatan, and Maldives for 2025) but also a lot of local opportunities as well. In January, we've got a Fish ID class (via Zoom) on January 9, an Avalon day trip on January 15, and a squid night dive (at Vets Park in Redondo) on January 23. So lots of chances to get wet or expand your knowledge base. Call us at 310/652-4990 to sign up for any of these. And if you haven't downloaded our entire 2025 sked, here's the PDF.
GOLDEN GLOBES - Congrats to our divers who won.
That'll do it for now. In the meantime, let's go diving together somewhere in 2025!!!
- Ken