Tuesday's Photo ~ Topside "Place I'd rather be."

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And think of all the diapers, visits to the principals office, broken windows, etc. you've missed! Now you can replace that with
bail money, and wrecked cars!

Seriously...I think that's cool. I hope things work out for you both.
Sick and pain to the bone, Dee..... you are killing me. How I long to be there, every single cell on my body ache for that salty warm water.... and those beautiful pics of yours just rub it in.

I'm going to have many sleepless night. Lucky you.

I was at Anthony's Key resort. It was a great experience. I developed a role of flim there and they offered me a job as their under water photo and videographer. The pay was only US$180/mo. I didn't take the job. Now I regret. What a lifetime opportunity to get pay to live on a paradise. Ouch! it's too painful to even think of it.

I understand you live @ houston. There's no shore diving there right? I apply to a job opening in Houston. The housing price there is 25% of those in Silicon Valley. I can really relocate there and do all those warm water boat dive in the gulf.

Thanks for all those beautiful pics. Keep those pics coming.

Yes...we have warm Gulf waters but no easy way to get out in it! Our coastline is choked with chemical plants and shipping so it takes a few hours drive to get somewhere to catch a charter boat. Also, our gulf has a very shallow bottom so the blue water doesn't come any closer than about 30-40 miles on average. And we have to go even farther out than that to find the rigs to dive on.

See why I dream of other places? :D But I can't complain, it IS closer to the water than most other places. It's not a bad place to live if you get the chance to move here!
I heard that the oil rigs are good dive sites. It sound like you have to take long boat ride to get to good dive sites.

I didn't get the job so I guess I'm not moving there anytime soon. But those housing in Houston 2500 sf with swim pool for less than $200k. Can't even buy a bath room with that in Silicon Valley. I need to move to Houston. I the mean time if you happen to drop by Monterey Calif, let me know, I'll glad to be your tour/dive guide...

Dee once bubbled...
Yes...we have warm Gulf waters but no easy way to get out in it! Our coastline is choked with chemical plants and shipping so it takes a few hours drive to get somewhere to catch a charter boat. Also, our gulf has a very shallow bottom so the blue water doesn't come any closer than about 30-40 miles on average. And we have to go even farther out than that to find the rigs to dive on.

See why I dream of other places? :D But I can't complain, it IS closer to the water than most other places. It's not a bad place to live if you get the chance to move here!
Yeah..the oil rigs are great. You see everything on the rigs that you do on the reef and then some. Circling the rig structure is game fish just waiting for lunch to poke their head out! haha In a lot of ways I enjoy the rigs more than the Flower Gardens.

Thanks for the invite, I've always wanted to see Monteray....

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