Tuesday weigh-in

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Thanks Natasha,

I would like to think that I have lost the weight because I keep a glass of water in front of me at all times and I stopped drinking soda pop. However, I suspect that I goofed up the weigh-in last Tuesday.

Congratulations scubajen! That's great news. :35:

The list of smilies seems to grow every day. I can't imagine where I would ever use this one, but comes from a movie that I like. So, I'll use it right here:


I have to post here, I know that it is Wednesday and I am going to have my WI on thursdays; however, I have to work early tomorrow and am not going to WI at 3:30 am ;)

So 1st, count me for -1.6# surprising considering all of the endulging at Easter Dinner.

I have just one question though, are all of those losing more than 2 lbs in the week all men? If so that just proves it that men lose more and faster than women.
LOL! This "fact" has caused some minor issues in the past when my wife went on a diet and I was just along for the ride and lost MORE. Not dieting, but eating less because my wife was making less for dinner. With both of us doing WW for the past 59 weeks, it's a lot easier to keep a common (though individual) goal in sight.

I have been averaging -3# a week since the second week in January when I joined WW. When comparing men to women you need to take into account a few of things:
1st, Men usuall weigh more. The more weight, the more you can lose and the faster you can lose it.
2nd, men usualy have a higher muscle mass than women, even if they are overweight. The more muscle mass, well see number one ;)
3rd, Manny men that I know, if obsessed over something can change that obsession to another --> ie, bad eating to good eating. Doesn't everbody know that men are stubborn assess :eyebrow:

It seems as though everybody s doing good. FCor those of you who have just started eating right and drinking your water congrats on your big losses. Unfortunately they usually do not continue like that for a long time :frown:
1.6 is still GREAT! Pat yourself on the back. I'm hoping for that tomorrow.
Everyone did fantastic..we picked a hard week to start..over a holiday.. this week should be even better!
First, I think so far everyone here at SB is doing great and this challenge is making me be much more focused on my goals.

Second, Congratulations ScubaJen! Babies are wonderful. I am the proud grandmother of a 17mo. little boy, and he has a new little sister on the way. I am very excited because I hope to have two little dive buddies some day. So far I have done a great job introducing him to the underwater world, he loves to climb in my lap at the computer and asks "fishes" because he knows I have pictures on the screen he can look at. We go through the slide show every week. My husband says I am brain washing him. LOL. Well, maybe a littlebit true.

Dee, glad to have you with us.

Joe, I know the truth about what you said. I also know when I go to WW meetings and everyone gets to brag about their WI most of those there with the larger losses have a lot more weight to lose than I do. I am about 20lbs from my goal, have now put on more muscle mass (my doctor does keep a quarterly measurement for me) and due to this I am losing much slower. I have to keep reminding myself that this is much healthier than if I lost if fast.

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