Tues 7/28

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Today was a great day to be diving. The bottom needs to be churned up some tho as Jodi said the pickins were thin. I saw a bunch of couldabeens but they weren't. Dontcha just hate it when you see the tooth and go to pick it up and find it's just a few rocks laying just the right way with a bit of sediment over them. Other than not finding many teeth the dives today were great. The heartbreaker Jodi found is every bit it as gorgeous as she described. Also the other fossil she spoke of is in perfect condition and should clean up nicely. I'm looking forward to going diving with her, cubby, and Sorin again on Saturday I hope the weather holds.
We dove the morning with Florida West Scuba. They put us on some good megs. No one came back empty handed. Water was 89 degrees, Vis was 5 to 25 ft. In the afternoon we did a beach dive off the Service Club parking lot. 2 divers were coming in as we were heading out. I popped up and one point and was past the end of the pier. I didnt start finding teeth until I passed a small reef. Once on the other side I found a few dozen small teeth. These were in the 17 to 20 ft deep range. Vis was cloudy but you only need to see a few ft. Going to try it again tommorrow.
K we have the group going again on Sat to alhamy. So far it looks like another nice day. East winds at 8mph and no chance of storms til late afternoon. So if anyone wants to join us we should be there at 9am again. We planning a 2 tank.
What's happening ChainSaw. I was on the Florida West boat with you everyday (I am Brandon - the one you guys were always waiting on to come up after I had already been down there 2 hrs). I had a blast as always. It was nice to meet you.
Good to meet you also. I ended up with 1 3/4 hour dives. The diving was great and the service was excellent as always. Im heading back the first week of November if not sooner.

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