Tues 7/28

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Reaction score
charlotte county, fl
# of dives
25 - 49
Its looking to be a nice day tuesday. And I see the forecast for east winds!! Nice timing as I take a SBer from canada to alhamy. Not sure what time probably 8ish. So if anyone is needing some buddies come on down. Its his first time diving down here and I m hoping to make it worth his trip. Probably take him out again sat. But after that I dont have any time available. So I dont know how many more times he wants to dive.
Not sure if I will make that area, will try to find it. Im in Venice next week and will be beach diving in the afternoons.
K we still on for the dive tomo am at alhamba. The guy from canada finally made it down and is eager to hit the bubble for the first time in salt water lol. I told him I d take him to a nice place for his salt water initiation. We have a party of 4 so far and planning on doing a 2 tank dive so if anyone gets the urge come on down. We will be leaving North Port about 8am so we will be at alhamy around 9ish.
Lol my poor van has 8 air bottles in it. I hope no one hits it lol. Its gonna be a pretty fire.
I was diving with Florida West Scuba today. The water was nice and many teeth were found. I went by the beach this afternoon and conditions looked good for beach diving. Going out with Florida West again tommorrow morning and weather permitting will do some beach diving in the afternoon. Good Luck looking for teeth tommorrow.
Im feeling good vibes for tomo. Im thinking it will be a great dive time for everyone. Going to show Sorin how to find the big teeth lol. He hopefully will go back with nice souvenirs. Maybe we see u at the beach who knows. We got 2 tanks to use lol.
Let us know how the vis is. I'm thinking about going out on Wednesday.
Im feeling good vibes for tomo. Im thinking it will be a great dive time for everyone. Going to show Sorin how to find the big teeth lol. He hopefully will go back with nice souvenirs. Maybe we see u at the beach who knows. We got 2 tanks to use lol.
Dontforget to put a shark tooth under your pillow. Maybe the shark tooth fairy will leave something special for you.
Ohhh it was a beautimus day. Water was smooth if a lil snotty still but viz Id say about 8-10 ft? Sorin loved the fossil hunting lol. I asked what did he do up in Canada just swim and look lol. I said here we hunt. He got a nice handful of lil ones. I think he even found a partial 1.5 inch meg. He is hooked, wants to go again so we planning another group for this sat. Pickins were slim. But a nice handful of the usual little guys. I did find the heartbreaker. I m gonna go take pics soon. 3.5 split down the middle, perfect enamel and serrates all the way down to the tip. Oh I cried. And a very unusual fossil which I need to clean up and I ll put it up pics too heehee. I m guessing early 80s? I ll have to research.

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