Trying to Break Into Diving

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We are the same age, my degree is in Biology, I'm poor, and I'm in So. Cal. When you are certified lets do some free beach dives!

I'll pm you.

you mentioned classes, so if you're at a university i'd check out their scuba program first. A lot of times you'll get a LOT more dive time in with them, and that's always good

I'm not in a school that's offering those classes, sadly. It may be an option for later in the university nearby, though, if I don't get impatient and get certified before next semester.

I was curious about why people always talk about diving partners.. Can you only go out in pairs of twos? Is it just not viable for a group of three to stick together effectively?

And I appreciate all these replies. I feel like part of the scuba family already!
Diving is a diverse sport, and divers vary. Some folks dive lightly and socialize heavily. Some folks dive avidly. Some manage both with intensity. I just spent three days at Pt. Lobos in Monterey with folks who take their diving seriously. Some are heavily into marine biology and science; some are into underwater archaeology. All of us have made diving a lifestyle. And we treasure the social side of what we do, too (ice cream made with liquid nitrogen, anyone?)

The LA area is dense with divers, and once you get your certification, it's not too difficult to gravitate to a group of folks who share your goals and focus.
Go for it. I took my first cert course when i was 28 and my only regret is that I didn't start sooner.
When you get out and start diving you will meet divers of all ages, there are alot of people who start in their teens.
Good luck.

Ditto. I was 24 and could have started at 22, dammit!

Still, 14 years of diving so far ain't bad, and you do get to meet the coolest people :cool2:
You sound like you are in the right mindset for your journey to the bottom of the sea. Most shops and instructors will work with your schedule although it may take longer than a "standard" course schedule. Focus on the basics first, don't stress about the cost in short term ideas. Once certified you can rent and get a feel for different gear while saving and searching for deals on good used equipment. Once you have your gear the maintenance is fairly minimal and cheap, and can last a LONG time if you take care of it. Once you have the basics and explore what you like, you can take it as far as you desire, training and gear related. I have just as much fun doing a simple cheap beach dive as I do a deeper reef or wreck. You can get into photography or hunting for a fresh dinner. You are in the right place for advice and finding buddies. Check the local area on the board, join clubs, check the local shops for organized trips. Even if you decide not to dive a lot or life pulls you away. It is something you will always have and be able to get back into. I doubt very highly it is something you will regret doing in life if you take your time and enjoy the experience.
Go for it! It'll be the best money you ever spend. IMHO

Find a good LDS and you'll find dive buddies. My LDS bends over backwards trying to find dive buddies for new divers. I know, I get calls a couple times a month asking if I'm available to dive with a newly certified diver. If you want to dive, the first place to look very well may be your LDS.

As for "fitting in", I don't see that as an issue. It's been my experience that divers love other divers. Every diver you meet is a potential future dive buddy. Just be honest; don't pretend you know it all if you don't, and most importantly have fun.

Good luck.
I'm not in a school that's offering those classes, sadly. It may be an option for later in the university nearby, though, if I don't get impatient and get certified before next semester.

I was curious about why people always talk about diving partners.. Can you only go out in pairs of twos? Is it just not viable for a group of three to stick together effectively?
even if you're certed by then, still look into classes at the university - they are usually great classes because they have lots of time to explore the knowledge, not just go over it quickly like a weekend class has to.

if there are two of you, you dive as a two-person team. if there are three, a three-person team is definitely fine. if four, that's two two-person teams who are in the same area. if five, that's a two- and a three-person team. the take home - two or three are fine for a buddy team, more than that you make as many two or three person teams you need to. all the teams can dive in the same area and even have the same general plan, but you only have to keep up with one or two other people.
i agree with baby duck, check into classes at your school. i live in kentucky, there is no diving or scuba diving classes around here sadly. but believe me if there were and i would have no elective spots left open i promise you that. and after you make the initial investment into gear, its really not that bad. because like someone mentioned before you have your tanks fills and inspections along with reg and your bcd, and any other small thing you want to pick up here and there. imho its worth it tho for the amount of fun you have and the amount of time and money you put into your gear.
Thanks all you guys. I honestly think I'm going to try and take the weekend classes soon.. I've been putting it off most of my life and I'm done. I want to meet some new people and explore and experience this new passion.

If I don't get certified by next semester (or even if I do) I will definitely look into it, but I may not be able to take the class if I can't be accepted yet.

I may be able to wring a couple credit-hours out of it if I take a couple of padi classes, though :p
Thanks all you guys. I honestly think I'm going to try and take the weekend classes soon.. I've been putting it off most of my life and I'm done.

Putting it off most of your life? :shocked2:

I'm 40 (okay, still a month away) and am going to take my OW cert at the end of October. I've wanted to do it for far longer than most of your life! :wink: Just finally doing it and looking forward to it.

I was concerned about finding partners as I never knew anybody who dove. But a colleague at work dives and I've looked into and found several clubs in my area so I figure I'm just going to have to be proactive and find people who will let me tag along or find other divers in my area who don't have a regular partner.

I am also motivated to get certified so that when my children are old enough to do it, we can all go out together. that'll be a few years off still, but I'd like to be more experienced when they finally go into the water with me.
Awesome! I agree. I say how long you've been putting it off doesn't even really matter. Even a day is too long. Life is so short when you get only one of them. From age 0-18 it felt like it just slugged by, and then BAM... I'm 24 and I feel like I was 20 just a couple months ago. And I hear plenty of people in their forties saying they feel like they were 20 just three years ago :p

Life is just too short, I guess. Learn from the past, prepare for the future, but live for now, in a sense. I'm sure many old sayings out there say the same thing. I think I'll go sign up for the class today before it fills up :p

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