MN Lakeman
There have been several reports in recent years of thieves stealing batteries, wheels, gasoline, spare tires, jacks, radios... and occasionally the truck itself... even when the truck was left with doors unlocked and windows down. Admittedly the chances of this occurring to the OP on any particular visit to a given dive site are small, but the chances are greater at some sites than others for the reasons mentioned previously.
I assume that when the OP states concern about avoiding "the risk of a insurance claim" he means the rental company CDW policy deductible of $300 or so. I rent from Telerin and use Amex Premium Rental Insurance Protection insurance coverage, which costs $24.95 for the rental period and has no deductible for full coverage primary insurance. The caveat is that I'm responsible for paying the rental company for damages until I'm reimbursed by Amex. (In other words, it's my insurance, rather than the rental company's.)
My advice: Get good insurance, leave the truck unlocked with no valuables inside, and enjoy your dives wherever you like.
Please read your AMX Premium Rental Ins. plan details will NOT cover pickups!