Trip Report Wilmington...Porta Allegra (Ed's Lobster Wreck) with video

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Wilmington, NC
# of dives
We went out with Aquatics to the Porta Allegra (Ed's Lobster Wreck). It is rarely dived upon, usually chock full of lobster, and way out there in blue water. My brother and I were both so excited, we could hardly stand it. We get out there, and when the mate splashed, he came up and said that at about 90 feet there was a thermocline and the vis was practically 0 below on the wreck. Eh, we were still excited. Its a small vis, schmero vis...we're on the Porta Allegra baby! There were huge schools of Pompano on the trip down to the wreck and coming back up. The water was blue all the way down to 90 fsw or so, then it began to green and chill. Vis was 10-15-20....there were these clouds floating by in the current, and if you were in one, vis was really bad, but once it drifted by...vis would open up to 20 feet or so. Either way, this small wrecksite is easily navigable if you know it...which I do. I went all over the wreck with Mike in tow....nothing. Not one stinking lobster in any of my honey holes.....very dissapointing. However, Capt. Paul stated before we dived to keep our times down, and we would move for the second dive. So, cut the dive short, and came up the line back into this huge school of Pompano and Barracuda. It was really amazing...have it on video. See below. Wild ascent. We missed a damn Hammerhead. While Mike and I were still screwing around on the wreck, a hammerhead shows up, most of the divers saw it, cept for Mike and I. Oh well.

So, for dive 2, I was kind of hoping that Capt. Paul would pull on over to the Hyde. I had heard of prolific bait balls, tales of Giant mantas, Mola Mola, etc. there lately. Plus vis has been better well as the temps. I'm tired of the cold green water. Captain Paul, however; had some other ideas. He was gonna put us on the 55/60 ledge, part of the Lobster Ledge area. Initially I was a bit bummed not to be heading inshore for gauranteed blue water....until we descended the anchor line into nothing but blue water, pretty decent vis, great ledge, tons of tropicals, and some fun lobster hunting. Probably with my brother and I together, one of my most memorable dives of all time. It was just a fun dive to be on, despite some personal losses.

Another great day of diving out of Wilmington with Aquatic Safaris, topped off one of my best 3 day periods of all time: Proteus/Arrow/Allegra/Lobster Ledge!!!!!!!!
Not only that, we got lobster to top it off! I have finally had a redeeming season, and I am relieved to be diving again. Now, I need a new wetsuit...mine is now tattered beyond all recognition, and I'm beginning to feel ashamed to put the thing on in public! See video from the day below...I tried to add a bit of comedy into it.


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