Thanks for the trip report, I guess I can save the tongue lashing, everyone else has weighed in there and I get on my soapbox about safety enough here anyway.
I have a question about the "sea snake" you saw on the nightdive? I thought sea snakes were only found in the Pacific Rim, Indoneasia and the Indian Ocean, those parts of the world?
The head of the animal you took a pic of does look like a snake although I think it may be a type of eel if it is a sea creature and if it was a real snake, maybe just a land snake that ventured into the ocean, hey, it happens.
I've done some reasearch on the internet and can't find anything that says that they are found anywhere but the Pacific as they are thought to evolved from snakes from Australia. Maybe someone else can weigh in if they know better.
Personally, I'm still waiting to see one of the crocs or caymans that are venturing out into the ocean down there, but that's just me.