I'm sure your stuff is great. Hopefully you'll decide sooner than later to start posting some. With your many recent trips, it's US who live vicariously through your adventures!
Hope the NY weather improves soon. Certainly one thing I don't miss about the East Coast!
Hope the NY weather improves soon. Certainly one thing I don't miss about the East Coast!

It was wonderful diving, especially the caves and I wish I'd stay. It's rainy and overcast in NYC today. Can't you send some SoCal weather my way?
One of these days when I get half as competent as you in shooting photos and videos, I might be brave enough to post them online. Until them, I'll just enjoy all of yours.
Again, THANK YOU, for posting your video.
Btw, your fan base expects to see the Anacapa video when you return. Safe dives!