Trip report, May 16th The Tuna Seazure

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Reaction score
Doylestown, PA
# of dives
500 - 999
I went out this past Sunday on the Tuna Seazure and had a great day.

My buddy Jim and I met the boat at about 6:30. The Great Bay Marina was easy to find and not a bad drive maybe 25 min. off of the AC expressway. You can back your truck right up to the boat, maybe 10' from the stern and loading gear was easy... Everybody helped and it went real quick. The D.M. (Dive Master) quickly introduced himself to everyone as Dan Martinez and offered up donuts. There were 5 customers, two captains (one was Bill and I forgot the other guys name) We quickly got underway to escape the bugs, that boat can move. Bill was telling me he has two new John Deere turbo diesels that can push the boat at 30 knots (if he wanted)

The water was glass smooth like Dutch on a calm day, the temp was nice I guess about 78. we took about an hour to get 10 miles out (not a straight line). and anchored over an old clam dredge called the John Marvin. It was very intact sitting upright in about 70' of water.
Vis was good about 20' and water temp was about 42. I was able to penetrate two compartments into the wreck until I got tired of snagging on the cables. I spent the rest of the time exploring the hatches and portholes on this 3 deck moderately encrusted ship.

Both the captains dove (not at the same time) and brought up some brass covers for a pipe the size of dinner plates. Someone brought up a light bulb cage as well. Most of the divers on the boat were interested in spearing fish and they got tons... well within limits i'm sure. one guy got a lobster.

The captains and mate were great at helping get you into and out of the water quickly, The "T" ladder made it very easy to get out no matter how much gear or fish you had.

We were out of the marina at about 7:00, over the wreck by around 8:00, we dove the wreck twice and I think we got back by noon. The boat had plenty of room below deck to crash after dive. I fell asleep in the "V" berth other guys slept on the sofa in the galley.

When I was loading my gear I discovered that my doubles I was planning on using were empty even though I had them filled at Dutch the previous afternoon. because of this I was rushing at the last minute to bring my 2 single 120s on the boat and take my doubles off.... "No problem they don't care how many tanks you bring just leave them"...

Also I forgot (until I splashed in) that I loaded weight for doubles and failed to bring additional weight when I switched to my 120s.... No problem need extra weights... we got them... Thanks Captain.

I guess it could have been a better dive boat, better crew, better weather.... but I can't see how.

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