Trip Report: Diving on the John Jack Sept 21 - 24, 2012

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Boca Raton, Florida
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2500 - 4999
I just wanted to write up a little report about the dives I did off of the John Jack from Point Pleasant Beach, NJ.

My buddy John was teaching an advanced wreck diving class, and asked me to assist him. I jumped at the opportunity to do some New Jersey wreck diving...

We got to dive the Algol, and the Coney Island. The Algol was a great wreck for training dives, so we did that one twice, since it was very conducive for what we were trying to do. This course had a lot of skills, so we wanted to keep divers shallow, and stay within the No Decompression limits, and be able to penetrate the wreck.

The diving in New Jersey (my first time) was great. First of all, I can’t say enough good things about the John Jack, Captain Rich, and the amazing crew he has. The crew was extremely professional and helpful. They made short work of the tie in, and helping all of us get into and out of the water. Overall, the boat was comfortable, and easy for diving. The wide beam of the John Jack makes her a stable vessel in the water, and the 3-4 foot seas were no problem at all.

The diving itself was a lot of fun. On the Algol, we had about 30-40 feet of viz on Friday. The temperature above the thermocline was about 70, but a balmy 62 degrees deeper than 80 feet. I was surprised by the good visibility, and relatively warm water. Diving the Coney Island on Saturday wasn’t as nice though. The visibility was only about 5-10 feet at best (below 90 feet) and the water temp at 110 feet was only 55 degrees. While it was a cool wreck, it was difficult to run skills with the poor visibility and deepish depths. Sunday, we got blown out… Monday the conditions were great, and we went back to the Algol. It was a perfect way to finish up the class. The visibility was good, and the water still warm. It seemed like the thermocline got pushed even deeper which is nice for this Florida boy.

All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed diving in New Jersey, and would like to head back next year if my buddy is up for more cold water diving, and visits to his old home. Thanks again to the John Jack and crew for making the diving weekend amazing, and thanks to Blue Water Divers in Rochelle Park for putting together this class.

Thanks to Pete Bucknell for the pictures.
I've never had good viz on the Coney Island... not sure why.

Judging by the photos you posted and various FB posts you met 3-4 of my buddies during your trip up here.

Yeah, a few DM's from the Gypsyblood were in the class... The captain from Gypsyblood stopped by the dock a couple of times as well. Also met a female DM at John's presentation for the BWD club on Monday night.
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Yeah, a few DM's from the Gypsyblood were in the class... The captain from Gypsyblood stopped by the dock a couple of times as well. Also met a female DM at John's presentation for the BWD club on Monday night.

Round up the usual suspects...

Thanks for the report. Warm water and good viz is SO not my mental image of New Jersey wreck diving!
Howard, John and Captain Rich were kind enough to let Pete Bucknell and I join the dive on Saturday to the Coney Island.

I had a great dive, although the vis wasn't terrific, as noted above. It was also fun spending time on the boat with this group....!

Here are a few pix, more here.

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A head cold was kicking my butt that weekend, so unfortunately I missed a lot of the stories sleeping in the bunk on the way back from the dive, and then in the van while filling tanks later! But I felt great underwater... :)


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Thanks for the report. Warm water and good viz is SO not my mental image of New Jersey wreck diving!

Shhh! It's hard enough to get a spot on a boat most weekends. Don't let word get out! (Plus, it sort of undercuts the "if you can dive here, you can dive anywhere" image we like to perpetuate...)

That said, we do have two spots open up on Saturday's trip to the Algol!


---------- Post Merged at 01:11 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 01:04 PM ----------

Maybe something to do with who served on the Algol, Lafayette Ronald Hubbard. Yes, THE L. Ron Hubbard...

Is that why I feel the desire to channel Tom Cruise whenever doing deco on that wreck?

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